Effectiveness and Costs of Osteoporosis Screening and Hormone Replacement Therapy, Vol. II: Evidence on Benefits, Risks, and Costs

GPO stock #052-003-01424-6

Report cover

Full Report ~2340K
Front Matter ~99K
Table of Contents ~73K

A: Acknowledgments ~77K
B: Evidence on Hormone Replacement Therapy and Fractures ~187K
C: Evidence on HRT and Bone Loss ~311K
D: Summary of Hip Fracture Prediction Methods ~201K
E: Hormonal Replacement Therapy Regimens ~168K
F: Evidence on Breast Cancer and Hormonal Replacement Therapy ~578K
G: Evidence on HRT and Endometrial Cancer ~695K
H: Evidence on HRT and Gallbladder Disease ~128K
I: Evidence on HRT and Coronary Heart Disease ~348K
J: Methods for Estimating Costs ~149K
K: Abbreviations and Glossary ~140K