Implications of Electronic Mail and Message Systems for the U.S. Postal Service

NTIS order #PB83-265017

Report cover

Full Report ~2744K
Front Matter ~47K
Table of Contents ~6K

Overview ~16K
1: Summary ~54K
2: Background and Purpose of Study ~57K
3: Market Penetration Model and Technology Assumptions ~895K
4: Market Penetration Results ~650K
5: Revenue/Cost Model and Results ~467K
6: Implications for Postal Rates, Service Levels, and Labor Requirements ~131K
7: Implications for the Telecommunication and Computer Industries, EMS Privacy and Security, and USPS Long-Term Viability ~104K
8: Congressional Policy Considerations ~93K

A: Supplemental Detail on the Market Penetration Model ~103K
B: Logistic Substitution Process ~161K
C: Equation Used to Calculate Labor Requirements ~8K
D: E-COM Interconnection Arrangements ~9K
Index ~55K