Medical Technology Under Proposals To Increase Competition in Health Care

NTIS order #PB83-164046

Report cover

Full Report ~2002K
Front Matter ~31K
Table of Contents ~19K

1: Introduction and Summary ~89K
2: Increased Competition: Proposals arid Concepts ~367K
3: Effects of Increased Competition on the Use and Innovation of Medical Technology ~144K
4: Effects of Increased Competition on the Quality of Care ~154K
5: Consumer Information Under Increased Competition ~72K

A: Method of the Study ~39K
B: Health Program Advisory Committee ~8K
C: Federal Employees Health Benefits Program ~238K
D: Selected Regional Examples of the Effects of Alternative Delivery Systems ~242K
E: California Prepaid Medi-Cal Health Plans ~18K
F: Supplementary Medical Insurance for Medicare Beneficiaries ~72K
G: Health Systems Agency of Northern Virginia ~24K
H: Baltimore City Professional Standards Review Organization ~24K
I: Other Models of Information Disclosure: Truth-in-Lending Act and Securities and Exchange Commission ~26K
References ~498K
Index ~76K