

In order to understand the ouput program, it is reccomended that you have the .vi open as you read through this page.


Signal Output - The goals of the output are as follows:


What and How?

Produce a finite pulse in the form of a sine wave that could be manipulated using the following criterion: amplitude, frequency and length of pulse.
A Data Output vi combined with a waveform vi which produced a sine wave that could be manipulated using the above criterion.
Limiting the number of points that the sign wave produced and the number of points per period allowed us to limit the length of the pulse.



An indefinite sine wave would create far too much background noise for a clear signal to be acquired by the transistor.
The transducers themselves required a 40khz frequency for maximum emission and acquisition.
In order to filter the signal more successfully a sine wave had to be used because by multiplying a sine wave by another sine wave the peeks or valleys become more defined and easier to measure.

Signal Input- Basic theory behind the input:

What: acquiring the data received by the transducer.
How: Lab view possesses several sample input vi’s which easily allow one to integrate data into the program.
Why: measure the data, specifically the time between pulses


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