

Margalit Bejarano / La inmigracion del Imperio Otomano y el desarrollo de las comunidades sefardies en America Latina (1890-1950)
Course  taught in the Universidad de Buenos Aires (Catedra Martin Buber / 1988)

Margalit Bejarano / Sephardi/Mizrahi Jews in Latin America  Graduate course at the Hebrew University

Aviva Ben-Ur / Sephardic Culture and Literature in Translation , Hebrew 155 (2658)/ "Encounters Between Civilizations: Literatures and Cultures of the Spanish Diaspora" World Studies 103 (2659) Department of Classical, Middle Eastern and Ancient Languages, Queens College

Aviva Ben-Ur / Sephardic Cultures and Literatures of the Spanish Diaspora, Judaic 390D/Spanish 397A (Dept. of Judaic and Near Eastern Studies/Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese) University of Massachusetts at Amherst (Spring 2001)

Julia R. Lieberman / Western Sephardi Diaspora  Saint Louis University  Dept. of Modern and Classical Languages, Fall 2002

Edwin Seroussi / Introduction to Sephardi Culture , Undergraduate course at UCLA, 1998/99

Edwin Seroussi / Music in Sephardi Jewish Culture , Seminar at UCLA, 1998/99


Aviva Ben-Ur / Ethnicity and Immigration Sociology 381, Department of Sociology, Queens College

Aviva Ben-Ur / New Views on the Jews: Ethnic and Racial Identity and Interaction in American Jewish History
SISJE 490D 7456 (Jewish Studies Program/History), University of Washington (Fall 1999)

Aviva Ben-Ur / The Jewish Experience in America Judaic 375 (Department of Judaic and Near Eastern Studies) University of Massachusetts at Amherst (Fall 2000)

Aviva Ben-Ur / The Jewish People ll: Jewish History from Medieval Times to the Present  Judaic 102 (Department of Judaic and Near
Eastern Studies)  University of Massachusetts at Amherst ( Fall 2001)

John Dizgun, The Jewish Presence in Latin America,  Rutgers University, 1999

Edwin Seroussi / Music in Judaism and in Islam, Seminar at UCLA, 1998/99

Sephardic College Year Program, Sephardic Educational Center, Jerusalem, September 1999-Summer 2000

Edith Shaked, Holocaust, Edition 2000

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