CEG Member
Wei_Peng Wei Peng

Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs

Member since 09/2012

Email: weipeng@Princeton.EDU
Current Place of Work: Princeton University
Current Position: PhD Candidate

Research Interest:

Wei’s current research focus is on wind energy penetration in China and the role of shale gas potential on renewables. The current project Wei is working on tries to quantify the air quality benefits (health and agriculture) from a greater use of wind-derived electricity in China. The policy side of the research include: 1) the Renewable polices that will affect the wind penetration level, which consequently result in geographically-unbalanced air quality benefits; 2) Policy interaction between that for shale gas and for renewables, and its short-term and long-term effect on energy mix and corresponding GHGs and air pollutants emissions.

Another policy project Wei will be involved in soon focuses on global methane mitigation, in which Wei’s part will be on methane emission potential from China’s shale gas boom, resulted from the hydraulic fracturing process. This will be another intersection area of energy use and air quality impact.

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