CEG Member
Wenkai Liang
Mechanical and Aerospacer Engineering

Email: wenkail@Princeton.EDU
Current Place of Work: Princeton University
Current Position: PhD Candidate

Research Interest:

1) Numerical simulation of combustion;
2) Energy and fuel.

Selected Publications:

  1. W. Liang, Z. Chen, F. Yang, H. Zhang, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 34 (2013) 695-702.

  2. F. Wu, W. Liang, Z. Chen, Y. Ju, C.K. Law, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, (2014).

  3. Y. Xin, W. Liang, W. Liu, T. Lu, C.K. Law, Combustion and Flame, 162 (2015) 68-74.
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