CLG 307:Secondary Readings

Commentaries and basic treatments:

Heubeck, Alfred, J.B. Hainsworth, et al. A commentary on Homer's Odyssey. 3 Vols. Oxford
CALL #: Classics Coll. (Clas): PA4167 .H4813 1988

Stanford, William Bedell. Homer's Odyssey. 2 Vols. Macmillan

Jones, P. V. (Peter V.) Homer's Odyssey : a companion to the translation of Richmond Lattimore. Carbondale, IL : Southern Illinois University Press, c1988.
CALL #: Classics Coll. (Clas) PA4167 .J66 1988

Thalmann, William G., The Odyssey : an epic of return. New York : Twayne Publishers.
CALL #: Classics Coll. (Clas) PA4167 .T45 1992

Tracy, Stephen V., The story of the Odyssey. Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, c1990.
CALL #: Classics Coll. (Clas) PA4167 .T7 1990



Austin, Norman. Archery at the dark of the moon: poetic problems in Homer's Odyssey . Berkeley: University of California Press, 1975
CALL #: Firestone (F) PA4167 .A9

Bloom, Harold. Homer: Modern critical views. New York : Chelsea House, 1986
CALL #: PA4037.H774 1986

Dickson, Keith. Nestor : poetic memory in Greek epic. New York : Garland Pub., 1995
CALL #: Classics Coll. (Clas) PA4037 .D46 1995

Edwards, Anthony T. Achilles in the Odyssey. . Konigstein/Ts. : Hain, 1985
CALL #: Classics Coll. (Clas) PA4167 .E38

Felson-Rubin, Nancy, Regarding Penelope : from character to poetics. Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, c1994.
CALL #: Classics Coll. (Clas) PA4170.P46 F45 1994

Finley, M. I. (Moses I.), The world of Odysseus. London : Chatto and Windus, 1977. 2nd ed. (revised and reset).
CALL #: 2681 .6695 1977

Katz, Marylin A., Penelope's renown : meaning and indeterminacy in the Odyssey. Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, c1991. Classics Coll. (Clas) PA4170.P46 K38 1991

Page, Denys. The Homeric Odyssey.
CALL #: 2681.843

Parry, Milman. The making of Homeric verse: the collected papers of Milman Parry.
CALL #: 2681.846.3

Peradotto, John, Man in the middle voice : name and narration in the Odyssey. Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1990.
CALL #: 2500 .619 n.s., vol. 1

Pucci, Pietro, Odysseus Polutropos : intertextual readings in the Odyssey and the Iliad. Ithaca : Cornell University Press, c1987.
CALL #: Classics Coll. (Clas) PA4037 .P8 1987

Reading the Odyssey : selected interpretive essays. edited with an introduction by Seth L. Schein. Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press, 1996.
CALL #: Classics Coll. (Clas) PA4167 .R43 1996

Segal, Charles, Singers, heroes, and gods in the Odyssey. Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 1994.
CALL #: Classics Coll. (Clas) PA4167 .S44 1994

Stanford, William Bedell. The Ulysses theme : a study in the adaptability of a traditional hero. a new foreword by Charles Boer. Dallas, TX : Spring Publications, 1992.
CALL #: PN57.03S83 1992

Twentieth century interpretations of the Odyssey : a collection of critical essays / edited by Howard W. Clarke.Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall, c1983.
CALL #: Classics Coll. (Clas) PA4167 .T85 1983

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