PI Cameras

What is PI Cameras?

Note: This has been updated to SimplePICM. Download below. Documentation to be updated.

PI Cameras is 3 MATLAB mex files (OpenCamera, AcquireImage, and CloseCamera) for MacOS which allows you to interface with Princeton Instruments' (now Roper Scientific) MicroMax and PentaMax CCD cameras, set them up, and acquire images.

When you type "OpenCamera" at the MATLAB prompt, you get the following help:

Usage: error = OpenCamera(cam,exp,dark,bin,trig,temp,verbose)
	cam = 
		0 for MicroMax (ST133 controller) with TEK512x512D Back Illm CCD shuttered (default)
		1 for PentaMax controller 1024x512 EEV frame transfer CCD shutterless
	exp = 
		exposure time in seconds (default is 0.500 s)
	dark = 
		0 for normal operation (default)
		1 to close shutter while acquiring
	bin = 
		0 to disable 2x2 binning (default)
		1 to enable 2x2 binning
	trig = 
		0 to trigger the camera (default)
		1 to trigger on low external pulse
		2 to trigger on high external pulse
	temp = 
		camera temperature setting, celsius (default is -40)
	verbose = 
		0 for silent mode (default)
		1 to echo camera settings and other extra information

0 is returned if everything succeeded, -1 if not

Default examples: error = OpenCamera(1,.2) assigns cam=1, exp=.2 and defaults to the other parameters.
	error = OpenCamera([],[],1) assigns dark=1 and defaults to the other parameters.
Call CloseCamera when you are done with it.
You must call CloseCamera before calling OpenCamera again.

When you type "AcquireImage" at the MATLAB prompt, you get the following help:

Usage: image = AcquireImage
	Acquires an image using the currently open camera (see OpenCamera)

A 2D real-valued array is returned.
The data isn't normalized, so 12-bit per pixel data would range from 0 to 4095

When you type "CloseCamera" at the MATLAB prompt, you get the following help:

Usage: error = CloseCamera
	Closes a camera that was previously opened with OpenCamera

Note: Roper Scientific has moved from the MacPICM library to the Photometrics' PVCAM library for controlling their cameras. These mex files use the MacPICM library, and I couldn't find it on their site, so I'm including the PI SDK as a download below.

How do I get it?

Who's using it?

David Williams is using it to acquire images of the retina after correction by adaptive optics
Last updated 10/2003