Web-Based Project Management

By Stephen M. Hall, PE


Many companies now use the internet for hosting data during the design phases of capital project execution. Usability and security concerns are the two major reasons why some are holding back. This talk focuses on features that comprise a mainstream web-based project management system and addresses security issues. Case histories, with “screen shots” of real web sites, bring the topic to life.



Stephen M. Hall, PE, is Director of Process Technology at AMEC, Inc. He is responsible for engineering and construction of manufacturing facilities for pharmaceutical and specialty chemicals clients. Steve has more than 25 years experience and worked for SmithKline Beckman and Life Sciences International prior to joining AMEC. He has a BS Chemical Engineering from the University of Pennsylvania and a Masters, Business Administration from Drexel University. He spoke at the 2000 ISPE Annual Meeting on the topic of Web-based project management.