Princeton GCCS Log August 3, 2006 1830 GMT GCT file: asap_0806_v6 Gliders under control: we05, we07, we09, we10, we12 Coordination plan: there are two gliders assigned to travel clockwise around the northern and middle tracks which will seek to stay on opposite sides of the track: we07 and we09 are assigned to the middle track; and we10 and we12 are assigned to the northern track. In addition, the two pairs of gliders assigned to these tracks will seek to become synchronized: i.e. for each glider on the middle track there should be a glider at the same point on the northern track. Glider we05 is assigned to travel clockwise around the southern track. Coordination summary: There is good separation between the glider pairs we10/we12 and we07/we09 on their respective loops. In addition there is good synchronization betweem the gliders on the northern and middle tracks. Glider we05 is on the southern inshore corner of the southern track. Glider we08 is transiting towards Santa Cruz for possible recovery due to leak indicator. Glider OA Flow summary: There is a moderate northern flow in most of the sampling domain with some offshore directed flow on the northern edge.