Princeton GCCS Log August 6, 2006 1600 GMT GCT file: asap_0806_v7 Gliders under control: we05, we07, we09, we10, we12 Coordination plan: there are two gliders assigned to travel counter-clockwise around the northern and middle tracks which will seek to stay on opposite sides of the track: we07 and we09 are assigned to the middle track; and we10 and we12 are assigned to the northern track. In addition, the two pairs of gliders assigned to these tracks will seek to become synchronized: i.e. for each glider on the middle track there should be a glider at the same point on the northern track. Glider we05 is assigned to travel counter-clockwise around the southern track. Coordination summary: Strong poleward flow motivated the change in direction of rotation. Also we05, we07, and we10 were not making good progress on the inshore edge of their respective tracks--and we05 had been pushed into shallow water (<50 m). Glider OA Flow summary: There is strong poleward flow throughout the sampling domain which appears to be stronger inshore than offshore.