5.1       Nodal Boundary Condition Data





            NODAL_BOUNDARY_CONDITIONS     generation_type = type ,  etc...

                  node,   ng,   ( id(i, node), i = 1, ndof )

                  < etc..., terminate with a blank record >



Boundary condition data must be input for each node which has one or more specified displacements, velocities or accelerations.  Boundary condition codes for each node may be assigned the following values:


                           id( i, node) = 0 , unspecified (i.e., active degree of freedom)

                           id( i, node) = 1 , prescribed displacement

                           id( i, node) = 2 , prescribed velocity

                           id( i, node) = 3 , prescribed acceleration


where i = 1, 2,..., number_of_degrees_of_freedom.  If prescribed, the value is assumed to be zero (0.0), unless it is assigned a nonzero value as described in Section 7.1.




Note    Variable Name                 Type        Default      Description


            Generation_type                 list            [*]          Generation case






            Variable                                list          [*]          Nodal unknowns selection:

               all                                                                        all degrees of freedom

               solid_displacement                                              solid displacement

               solid_rotation                                                      solid rotation

               solid_displacement_and_rotation                       solid displacement and rotation

               fluid_velocity                                                      fluid velocity

               temperature                                                         temperature

               pressure                                                               pressure

               potential                                                              potential

               electric_potential                                                 electric potential

               scalar_transport                                                   scalar transport

               level_set                                                              level set

               stream_fct                                                           stream function

               mesh_motion                                                       ALE mesh motion


            File_name                         string       [none]       File name (optional).  Name must

                                                                                          be enclosed in quotation marks.


No Generation (List) Case

            Nodal boundary conditions must follow in the form:

               < Node_number , Restraint_X, Restraint_Y , Restraint_Z, etc...>

               < etc..., terminate with a blank record >


Generation Case

            Nodal boundary conditions generation data must follow.

            < terminate with a blank record >




            Nodal_Boundary_Conditions /

                 file_name = "boundary_file"                  # Read displacements from file:  boundary_file



            Nodal_Boundary_Conditions /

                 generation_type = type_1                      # Select generation option

                 Nodal Boundary Condition Generation Data follow




5.1.1       Nodal Boundary Condition Generation Data Type 1


Note          Variable                 Default            Description


(1)              NODE                      [0]                Node number 1 and  NUMNP


(2)                 NG                         [0]                Generation increment


(3)        ID(1, NODE)                 [0]                Degree of freedom 1 boundary code


             ID(2, NODE)                 [0]                Degree of freedom 2 boundary code

                        .                             .                                        .

                     etc.                           .                                        .

                        .                             .                                        .

        ID(NDOF, NODE)            [0]                Degree of freedom NDOF boundary code




(1)        Boundary condition data must be input for each node which has one or more specified displacements, velocities or accelerations.  If more than one boundary condition data record for node N is input, the last one read takes priority.  Terminate with a blank record.


(2)        Boundary condition data can be generated by employing a two record sequence as follows:


                        Record 1: L, LG, ID(1, L),..., ID(NDOF, L)

                        Record 2: N, NG, ID(1, N),..., ID(NDOF, N)


The boundary codes of all nodes NODE:


                        L + LG, L + 2*LG,..., N - MOD(N-L, LG)


(i.e., less than N) are set equal to those of node L. If LG is blank or zero, no generation takes place between L and N.


(3)        Boundary condition codes for each node may be assigned the following values:


                        id( i, node) = 0 , unspecified (i.e., active degree of freedom)

                        id( i, node) = 1 , prescribed displacement

                        id( i, node) = 2 , prescribed velocity

                        id( i, node) = 3 , prescribed acceleration


where i = 1, 2,..., NDOF. If prescribed, the value is assumed to be zero (0.0), unless it is assigned a nonzero value as described in Section 7.1.



5.1.2       Nodal Boundary Condition Generation Data Type 2


Note          Variable                 Default            Description


(1)             NODE1                     [0]                Node number 1  1 and  NUMNP


(1)             NODE2                     [0]                Node number 2  1 and  NUMNP


(2)                 NG                         [0]                Generation increment


(3)               ID(1)                       [0]                Degree of freedom 1 boundary code


                    ID(2)                       [0]                Degree of freedom 2 boundary code


                     etc.                           .                                        .


               ID(NDOF)                   [0]                Degree of freedom NDOF boundary code




(1)        Boundary condition data must be input for each node which has one or more specified displacements, velocities or accelerations.  If more than one boundary condition data for any node NODE is input, the last one read takes priority.  Terminate with a blank record.


(2)        If ng is non zero, boundary condition data for all nodes from node1 to node2 by increment ng can be generated.  The boundary codes of all nodes:


                        NODE1 + NG, NODE1 + 2*NG,..., NODE2 - MOD(NODE2 - NODE1, NG)


(i.e., less than or equal to NODE2) are set equal to those of node NODE1.  If either NODE2 or NG is zero, no generation takes place between NODE1 and NODE2.


(3)        Boundary condition codes may be assigned the following values:


                        id( i, node) = 0 , unspecified (i.e., active degree of freedom)

                        id( i, node) = 1 , prescribed displacement

                        id( i, node) = 2 , prescribed velocity

                        id( i, node) = 3 , prescribed acceleration


where i = 1, 2,..., NDOF.  If prescribed, the value is assumed to be zero (0.0), unless it is assigned a nonzero value as described in Section 7.1.



5.1.3       Nodal Boundary Condition Generation Data Type 3


Note          Variable                 Default            Description


(1)              NODE                      [0]                Node number 1 and  NUMNP


(2)                 NG                         [0]                Generation code    (=0 no generation,

                                                                                                       =1 generation)


(3)        ID(1, NODE)                 [0]                Degree of freedom 1 boundary code


             ID(2, NODE)                 [0]                Degree of freedom 2 boundary code

                        .                             .                                        .

                     etc.                           .                                        .

                        .                             .                                        .

        ID(NDOF, NODE)            [0]                Degree of freedom NDOF boundary code




(1)        Boundary condition data must be input for each node which has one or more specified displacements, velocities or accelerations.  If more than one boundary condition data record for node N is input, the last one read takes priority.  Terminate with a blank record.


(2)        Boundary condition data can be generated by employing a two record sequence as follows:


                        Record 1: N, NG, ID(1, N),..., ID(NDOF, N)

                        Record 2: Nodal Increment Data


If NG is zero, no generation takes place.


(3)        Boundary condition codes for each node may be assigned the following values:


                        id( i, node) = 0 , unspecified (i.e., active degree of freedom)

                        id( i, node) = 1 , prescribed displacement

                        id( i, node) = 2 , prescribed velocity

                        id( i, node) = 3 , prescribed acceleration


where i = 1, 2,..., NDOF. If prescribed, the value is assumed to be zero (0.0), unless it is assigned a nonzero value as described in Section 7.1

    Nodal Increments Data


Note             Variable           Default               Description


                     NINC(1)             [0]                   Number of nodal increments for direction 1


                       INC(1)              [0]                   Node number increment for direction 1


(1)                 NINC(2)             [0]                   Number of nodal increments for direction 2


                       INC(2)              [0]                   Node number increment for direction 2


(1)                 NINC(3)             [0]                   Number of nodal increments for direction 3


                       INC(3)              [0]                   Node number increment for direction 3




(1)        Each option is assigned an option code (IOPT) as follows:

                                    IOPT           Option

                                        1             Generation along a line

                                        2             Generation over a surface

                                        3             Generation over a volume

            IOPT is determined by the following logic:

                                    IOPT = 3

                                    IF(NINC(3) = 0)   IOPT = 2

                                    IF(NINC(2) = 0)   IOPT = 1






5.2         Slaved Nodes





            SLAVE_NODES         file_name = "<string>"

                  node1,     node2,     ng ,      ( idof1(i), idof2(i),   i = 1, ndof )

                  < etc..., terminate with a blank record >



Nodes may be slaved to share the same equation number for any selected degree of freedom.  Such an option is useful, i.e., for modeling cyclic symmetry in structures, for modeling free-field conditions in seismic calculations, etc...



Note  Variable Name                   Type     Default      Description


          Input_format                       list          [*]          Select input format option

                keywords / list


          File_name                          string      [none]       File name (optional).

                                                                                    Name must be enclosed in quotation marks.




5.2.1      Slaved Nodes Data (Keywords Read Method)


Note  Variable Name                   Type     Default      Description


(1)      NODE1                            integer       [0]          Node number 1


          NODE2                            integer       [0]          Node number 2


(2)      NG                                                  integer       [0]--------------- Generation increment


(3)      Variable_i_node1              string      [none]       Variable_i at NODEl


(3)      Variable_i_node2              string      [none]       Variable_i at NODE2






(1)        Node numbers NODE1 and NODE2  are assigned to share the same equation numbers for the degrees of freedom listed in variable_i_node1 and variable_i_node2.  Terminate with a blank record.


(2)        See note 2 in Section 5.2.2



(3)               Variable_i_node1 and variable_i_node2 are assigned by using the following list of names:

solid_motion_i                        (i = 1, Nsd)

solid_rotation_i                       (i = 1, Nsd)

fluid_motion_i                        (i = 1, Nsd)

pressure_i                                (i = 1, Number_of_phases)



scalar_transport_i                    (i = 1, Number_of_components)

mesh_motion_i                        (i = 1, Nsd)



5.2.2      Slaved Nodes Data (List Read Method)


Note         Variable                 Default            Description


(1)             NODE1                     [0]                Node number 1


                 NODE2                     [0]                Node number 2


(2)                 NG                         [0]                Generation increment


(3)            IDOF1(I)                    [0]                Degree of freedom number for NODE1


                IDOF2(I)                    [0]                Degree of freedom number for NODE2


                     etc.                           .                                        .


           IDOF1(NDOF)               [0]                Degree of freedom number for NODE1


           IDOF2(NDOF)               [0]                Degree of freedom number for NODE2




(1)        Node numbers NODE1 and NODE2  are assigned to share the same equation numbers for the degrees of freedom listed in IDOF1(I) and IDOF2(I).  Terminate with a blank record.


(2)        Slaved condition data can be generated by employing a two record sequence as follows:


            Record 1: LODE1, LODE2, LG, ( IDOF1(I), IDOF2(I), I = 1, NDOF )

            Record 2: NODE1, NODE2, NG, ( IDOF1(I), IDOF2(I), I = 1, NDOF )


The slaved conditions codes of all nodes:


            LODE1 + LG, LODE1 + 2*LG,..., NODE1 - MOD(NODE1 - LODE1, LG)

            LODE2 + LG, LODE2 + 2*LG,..., NODE2 - MOD(NODE2 - LODE2, LG)


(i.e., less than NODE1 and NODE2) are set equal to those of node LODE1 and LODE2. If LG is blank or zero, no generation takes place.



5.3         Equivalence Nodes





            EQUIVALENCE_NODES        file_name = "<string>"

                    node1,    node2,     ng

                    < etc..., terminate with a blank record >



Nodes may be equivalenced to share the same equation number for all degrees of freedom.



5.3.1      Equivalence Nodes Data


Note          Variable                 Default            Description


(1)             NODE1                     [0]                Node number 1


                 NODE2                     [0]                Node number 2


(2)                 NG                         [0]                Generation increment




(1)        Node numbers NODE1 and NODE2  are assigned to share the same equation numbers for all degrees of freedom.  Terminate with a blank record.


(2)        Equivalence nodes can be generated by employing a two record sequence as follows:


            Record 1: LODE1, LODE2, LG

            Record 2: NODE1, NODE2, NG


All nodes:


            LODE1 + LG, LODE1 + 2*LG,..., NODE1 - MOD(NODE1 - LODE1, LG)

            LODE2 + LG, LODE2 + 2*LG,..., NODE2 - MOD(NODE2 - LODE2, LG)


(i.e., less than NODE1 and NODE2) are set to be equivalenced. If LG is blank or zero, no generation takes place.



5.4         Euler-Lagrange Nodes





            ALE_NODES               file_name = "<string>"

                  node,     ng,     ( id(i, node),     i = 1, NSD )

                  < etc..., terminate with a blank record >



Nodal degrees of freedom may be selectively assigned to be either Lagrangian or of free surface degrees of freedom (see Section  This option is used in arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) computations.



5.4.1      Euler-Lagrange Nodal Data


Note             Variable              Default            Description


(1)                 NODE                    [0]                Node number  1 and  NUMNP


(2)                    NG                      [0]                Generation increment


(3)             ID(1,NODE)               [0]                Degree of freedom 1 Euler-Lagrange code


                 ID(2,NODE)               [0]                Degree of freedom 2 Euler-Lagrange code

                           .                          .                                                .

                        etc.                        .                                                .

                           .                          .                                                .

              ID(NSD,NODE)            [0]                Degree of freedom NSD Euler-Lagrange code




(1)        Euler-Lagrange condition data must be input for each node which is not ALE in one or more directions.  Records need not be input in order.  Terminate with a blank record.


(2)        Euler-Lagrange nodal condition data can be generated by employing a two record sequence as follows:


            Record 1:  L,  LG, ID(1, L),..., ID(NSD, L)

            Record 2: N, NG, ID(1, N),..., ID(NSD, N)


The Euler-Lagrange codes of all nodes NODE:


            L + LG, L + 2*LG,..., N - MOD(N-L, LG)


(i.e., less than N) are set equal to those of node L.  If LG is blank or zero, no generation takes place between L and N.


(3)        Euler-Lagrange condition codes may be assigned the following values:


            ID( I, NODE) = 0 , ALE degree of freedom

            ID( I, NODE) = 1 , Lagrange degree of freedom

            ID( I, NODE) = 2 , free surface degree of freedom


where I = 1, 2,..., NSD.  If more than one Euler-Lagrange condition data record for node NODE is input, the last one read in takes priority




Notes . .






Notes . .