9.3            Structural Elements


9.3.0         Analysis Options      Truss Element


            Truss elements connect two points in space and transmit axial forces only.  There are three possible degrees of freedom at each of the two nodes, i.e. the x1, x2, and x3 translations.   Linear Truss Element





            Element_name = LINEAR_TRUSS  ,  etc...

                  < stress model data >

                  < geometric data >

                  < body force data >

                  < connectivity data >

                  < field output data >



In the current implementation this truss element is restricted to linear isotropic elastic stress_models.

    Linear / Nonlinear Truss Element





            Element_name = NONLINEAR_TRUSS  ,  etc...

                  < stress model data >

                  < geometric data >

                  < body force data >

                  < connectivity data >

                  < field output data >



The nonlinear truss element can be used with most elasto-plastic stress_models (except the pressure dependent material models). The nonlinear truss element can also be used with linear isotropic elastic stress_models.

    Beam Element


            Beam elements connect two points in space and transmit forces (axial and shear) and moments (torsion and bending).  In 2D analysis there are three possible degrees of freedom at each of the two nodes, i.e., two translations and one rotation.  In 3D analysis there are six possible degrees of freedom at each of the two nodes, i.e., three translations and three rotations.  The local sign convention for the beam element is shown in Fig.




Figure Local Coordinate System for Beam Element    Linear Beam Element





            Element_name = LINEAR_BEAM ,  etc...

                  < stress model data >

                  < geometric data >

                  < body force data >

                  < connectivity data >

                  < field output data >



In the current implementation the linear beam element is restricted to linear isotropic elastic stress_models.    Linear / Nonlinear Beam Element





            Element_name = NONLINEAR_BEAM ,  etc...

                  < stress model data >

                  < geometric data >

                  < body force data >

                  < connectivity data >

                  < field output data >



The nonlinear beam element can be used with most elasto-plastic stress_models (except the pressure dependent material models). The nonlinear beam element can also be used with linear isotropic elastic stress_models.

    Plate and Shell Elements


            The elements must be used in quadrilateral form for 2D plate (flat) and 3D plate/shell analysis. The local sign convention  for the plate/shell elements is shown in Fig.




Figure  Sign Convention for Stress Resultants for Plate/Shell Elements


    Plate / Shell Element





            Element_name = PLATE ,  etc...

                  < stress model data >

                  < geometric data >

                  < body force data >

                  < connectivity data >



The element must be used in quadrilateral form for 2D plate (flat) and 3D plate/shell analysis.  In 2D analysis there are three possible degree of freedom at each nodes, i.e., one vertical translation and two rotations.  In 3D analysis there are six possible degrees of freedom at each nodes, i.e., three translations and three rotations.  The local sign conven- tion for the plate/shell element is shown in Fig.  In the current implementation the plate element is restricted to linear isotropic elastic stress_models.    Shell / Plate Element





            Element_name = SHELL_PLATE ,  etc...

                  < stress model data >

                  < geometric data >

                  < body force data >

                  < connectivity data >



The element must be used in quadrilateral form for 3D shell/plate analysis. There are six possible degrees of freedom at each nodes, i.e., three translations and three rotations.  The local sign convention  for the shell/plate element is shown in Fig.  In the current implementation the shell_plate element is restricted to linear isotropic elastic stress_models.

    Bilinear Shell Element





            Element_name = SHELL_BILINEAR ,  etc...

                  < stress model data >

                  < geometric data >

                  < body force data >

                  < connectivity data >



The element must be used in quadrilateral form for 3D shell analysis. There are five possible degrees of freedom at each nodes, i.e., three translations and two rotations. The local sign convention for the shell element is shown in Fig. This shell element is based on the formulation presented by Ref [1]. The implementation was performed by Swan Colby in AY 91-92.  The coordinates of the nodes on the midsurfaces of the shell must be input. The nodal degrees of freedom 4 and 5 are local degrees of freedom, and correspond to the rotations of the fiber about the local basis vectors, (see Fig. 6.2.5 pp.388 in Ref [1]). In the current implementation the shell_plate element is restricted to linear isotropic elastic stress_models.



References / Bibliography


1.      Hughes, T.J.R., The Finite Element Method, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs. NJ. (1987).

    Membrane Element





            Element_name = MEMBRANE ,  etc...

                  < stress model data >

                  < geometric data >

                  < body force data >

                  < connectivity data >



The element must be used in quadrilateral form.  There are three possible degrees of freedom at each node, i.e., three translations.  In the current implementation the membrane element is restricted to isotropic elastic stress_models.




9.3.1    Element Control InformationSTRUCTURAL


Note    Variable Name                       Type     Default    Description


            Element_name                         list        [none]     Element name


            Element_shape                         list        [none]     Element shape


               Selection for Plate, Shell or Membrane Elements



               Selection for Truss or Beam Elements



            Finite_deformation                  list         [off]       Finite deformation option

                 on / off


            Geometric_stiffness                 list         [off]       Geometric stiffness option

                 on / off


            Numerical_integration             list         [full]       Numerical integration option

                 full / reduced                        


            Bending_integration                list         [full]       Bending integration option

                 full / reduced                        


            Shear_integration                     list     [reduced]   Shear integration option

                 full / reduced                       


            Membrane_integration             list        [bbar]      Membrane integration option:

                 standard                                                               Standard formulation

                 bbar                                                                    Selective-reduced integration

                 reduced                                                                Reduced integration


            Fiber_integration                  integer       [2]        Number of fiber integration point:

                                                                                              1 and  5


            Mass_type                                list     [lumped]   Mass type

                 lumped / consistent              


            Number_of_geometric_sets integer       [1]        Number of geometric sets  1


            Body_force_load_time        integer       [0]        Body force load-time function number




            Element_group   /

                        name = "group 1"   /

                        element_type = structural  /

                        element_shape = two_node_line  /

                        element_name = linear_beam  /

                        number_of_output_sets = 4  /

                        number_of_material_sets = 1  /

                        number_of_geometric_sets = 1


EXAMPLE (cont'd)


            Stress_model  /

                  material_name = linear_elastic  /

                  material_type = linear


                        material_set_number = 1  /

                        mass_density = 1.E-2  /

                        youngs_modulus = 100.  /

                        poissons_ratio = 0.0



                        geometric_set_number = 1  /

                        area = 5.0  /

                        bending_inertia = 10.



                          1        1          1          2          1

                        20        1          1



                          1        0          1          4

                        10        0          1          4



9.3.2    Material Data


            Material data must be defined for the element group.  Consult Chapter 10 for the required input of the individual stress models.  Note that not all material models are applicable to the structural elements.




9.3.3    Geometric Data





            GEOMETRIC_MODEL           file_name = "<string>" , etc...



Define the geometry for the structural elements.  Two options are available.  The data may be read in using keywords or as a list (optionally from another file).


Note    Variable Name             Type     Default    Description


            File_name                     string    [none]     File name (optional).  Name must be enclosed

                                                                                   in quotation marks.


            Input_format                  list         [*]        Select input format option

                 keywords / list
   Geometric / Material Properties


Note    Variable Name                Type    Default   Description


Keywords Read Method

            Geometric_set_number  integer      [1]     Geometric  set number                                                                                                                        Number_of_geometric_sets

      Truss Elements

            Area                                   real       [0.0]    Cross section area


      Beam Elements

            Area                                   real       [0.0]    Cross section area

            Shear_area_2                     real       [0.0]    Effective shear area, direction 2

            Shear_area_3                     real       [0.0]    Effective shear area, direction 3

            Inertia_I11                        real       [0.0]    Torsional moment of inertia I11

            Inertia_I22                        real       [0.0]    Transverse moment of inertia I22

            Inertia_I33                        real       [0.0]    Bending moment of inertia I33

                        Height                                                 real             [0.0]       Beam height

                Width                                                 real             [0.0]       Beam width

                Web_thickness                                      real             [0.0]       Web thickness

                Flange_thickness                                   real             [0.0]       Flange thickness

                Cross_section_type                              string            [*]        Cross section type

                      I_beam                                                                              I Beam

                      Hollow_box                                                                       Hollow box

                      Rectangular                                                                       Rectangular

            Ref_coord_x1                   real       [0.0]    Reference point K, coordinate x1

            Ref_coord_x2                   real       [0.0]    Reference point K, coordinate x2

            Ref_coord_x3                   real       [0.0]    Reference point K, coordinate x3





Note    Variable Name                Type    Default   Description


Plate, Shell and Membrane Elements

            Thickness                           real       [0.0]    Thickness


List Read Method

            Geometric data must follow in the form:

                 < Geometric_set_number, Area or Thickness,

                     Inertia_I11, Inertia_I22, Inertia_I33, Ref_coord_x1, Ref_coord_x2, Ref_coord_x3,
                     Shear_area_2, Shear_area_3 >

                 < terminate with a blank record >.



9.3.4      Prestressing





            PRESTRESSING                 file_name = "<string>" ,     etc...



Define prestressing forces in beam elements.  Two options are available.  The data may be read in using keywords, or as a list (optionally from another file).


Note    Variable Name             Type    Default   Description


            File_name                    string    [none]    File name (optional).  Name must be  enclosed in
                                                                                quotation marks.


            Input_format                 list         [*]       Select input format option.

                 keyword / list

   Prestressing Forces


Note    Variable Name             Type    Default   Description


Keywords Read Method

            Element_number         integer      [0]     Element number

            Prestress_force               real       [0.0]    Prestressing force (tension positive)

(1)        Eccentricity                    real       [0.0]    Eccentricity


List Read Method

            Prestressing data must follow in the form:
                 < element_number, prestress_force (element_number), eccentricity (element_number) >

            < terminate with a blank record >.




(1)        Assumes a tendon with a straight profile.



9.3.5    Pretension





            PRETENSION                      file_name = "<string>" ,     etc...



Define pretension forces in beam and truss elements.  Two options are available.  The data may be read in using keywords, or as a list (optionally from another file).


Note    Variable Name             Type    Default   Description


            File_name                    string    [none]    File name (optional).  Name must be
                                                                                enclosed in quotation marks.


            Input_format                 list         [*]       Select input format option.

                 keyword / list

   Pretension Forces


Note    Variable Name             Type    Default   Description


Keywords Read Method

            Element_number        integer       [0]     Element number

            Pretension_force           real        [0.0]    Pretension force (tension positive)


List Read Method

            Pretension data must follow in the form:
                 < element_number, pretension_force (element_number) >

            < terminate with a blank record >.






9.3.6    Body Force Data (units: L/T2)





            BODY_FORCE                  b_x1 = b(1) , ..etc...





Note      Variable Name     Type       Default       Description


(1)           b_x1                     real          [0.0]          Body force component in the x1 direction


               b_x2                     real          [0.0]          Body force component in the x2 direction


               b_x3                     real          [0.0]          Body force component in the x3 direction




(1) Body force load multipliers are used to define the components of the gravity vector b with respect to the global (x1, x2, x3) coordinate system, e.g., in SI units, b = {0.0, -9.81, 0.0} for the case x2 vertical and oriented positively upward, with g = 9.81 m/s2 and  w = 103 kg/m3.




9.3.7    Nodal Connectivity Data


            Consult Chapter 11 for details.  For this element NEN = number of nodes used to define the element; viz. NEN = 2 for Truss and Beam elements, NEN = 4 for Plate, Shell and Membrane elements.




9.3.8    Output History Requests






                     n ,      ng ,       ntemp(1) ,       ntemp(2) ,      etc…

                     < etc..., terminate with a blank record >



Plots of various element response components may be obtained.  Each component requested is plotted versus time.  Plots of this type are useful in providing quick information concerning the time history behavior of important data.  The total number of components to be plotted must equal Number_output_sets, which is defined on the element group control command (see Section 9.3.1).


Note            Variable              Default            Description


(1)                     N                       [0]                Element number  1 and  NUMEL


(2)                    NG                      [0]                Generation increment  0


(3)              NTEMP(1)                [0]                Component number  1 and  NCOMP


                  NTEMP(2)                [0]                Component number  1 and  NCOMP

                           .                          .                                         .

                        etc.                        .                                         .

                           .                          .                                         .

                  NTEMP(8)                [0]                Component number  1 and  NCOMP




(1) Element components history output data must be input for elements at which the time history of one or more components is to be plotted.  Terminate with a blank record.


(2) Element components history output data can be generated by employing a two record sequence as follows:


Record 1: L, LG, LTEMP(1),..., LTEMP(8)

Record 2: N, NG, NTEMP(1),..., NTEMP(8)


The output time history requests of all elements:


L+LG, L+2*LG,..., N-MOD(N-L,LG)


(i.e., less than N) are set equal to those of element L.  If LG is zero, no generation takes place between L and N.


(3) The corresponding component numbers and output labels are as follows:



Notes from 9.3.8   (cont'd)





Truss (NCOMP=2)


        Component Number            Description                                          Output Label


                       1                           Axial Stress 11                                          STRS

                       2                           Axial Force                                               FORC






Two Dimensional Beam (NCOMP=6)


        Component Number            Description                                          Output Label


                       1                           Axial force, Node 1                                   N1-1

                       2                           Shear force, Node 1                                   N2-1

                       3                           Bending Moment, Node 1                        M3-1

                       4                           Axial force, Node 2                                   N1-2

                       5                           Shear force, Node 2                                   N2-2

                       6                           Bending Moment, Node 2                        M3-2






Three Dimensional Beam (NCOMP=12)


        Component Number            Description                                          Output Label


                       1                           Axial force, Node 1                                   N1-1

                       2                           Shear force 2, Node 1                                N2-1

                       3                           Shear force 3, Node 1                                N3-1

                       4                           Torsion Moment, Node 1                          M1-1

                       5                           Bending Moment 2, Node 1                     M2-1

                       6                           Bending Moment 3, Node 1                     M3-1

                       7                           Axial force, Node 2                                   N1-2

                       8                           Shear force 2, Node 2                                N2-2

                       9                           Shear force 3, Node 2                                N3-2

                      10                          Torsion Moment, Node 2                          M1-2

                      11                          Bending Moment 2, Node 2                     M2-2

                      12                          Bending Moment 3, Node 2                     M3-2





Notes from 9.3.8   (cont'd)





Plate and Shell (NCOMP=8)


        Component Number            Description                                          Output Label


                       1                           Bending Moment, m11                                M12

                       2                           Bending Moment, m22                                M22

                       3                           Bending Moment, m12                                M12

                       4                           Shear Force, q1                                            Q1

                       5                           Shear Force, q1                                            Q2

                       6                           Membrane Stress, 11                                 S11

                       7                           Membrane Stress, 22                                 S22

                       8                           Membrane Stress, 12                                 S12






Membrane (NCOMP=6)


        Component Number            Description                                          Output Label


                       1                           Normal Stress, 11                                      S11

                       2                           Normal Stress, 22                                      S22

                       3                           Shear Stress, 12                                         S12

                       4                           Normal Strain, 11                                      E11

                       5                           Normal Strain, 22                                      E22

                       6                           Shear Strain, 12                                         G12






Notes . .