9.15     Selective Nodal Penalty Element


            The nodal penalty element  is used to restrain a nodal value at a particular node, in a particular direction, to remain positive. The element is used in free-surface searches (viz., unconfined flow problems).  Nodal penalty elements have no effect on the size of the stiffness matrix.





               Element_name = NODAL_PENALTY

               m,   ( pen(i, m), i = 1, ndof )    < m = 1, numat >

                     < connectivity data >

               < terminate with a blank record >.





9.15.1     Material Properties Cards (Numat sets)


Note       Variable                 Default                     Description


                   M                          [0]                         Material set number


                PEN(1,M)               [0.0]                       Nodal value DOF component 1


                PEN(2,M)               [0.0]                       Nodal value DOF component 2

                        .                          .                           .

                      etc                        .                           .

                        .                          .                           .

           PEN(NDOF,M)          [0.0]                       Nodal value DOF component NDOF




9.15.2     Element Nodal Connectivity Data


            Consult Chapter 11 for details; for this element NEN = 1.




Notes . .