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UTILITY DELETE Item identifier

  This command enables the user to delete an item from the database in order to release space which can be re-used when new models are read in, or when additional items are generated and stored.

FEMGEN Command.                                                  

Item Identifier Comments
TRANSFORM Name Deletes the named transformation.
POINTS Names or ALL Deletes the named points or set of points or makes the
or sets or /PICK cursor available to pick a point for deletion
(see note 1).
LINES Names or ALL Deletes the named lines or set of lines or makes the
or sets or /PICK cursor available to pick a line for deletion
(see note 1).
SURFACES Names or ALL Deletes the named surfaces or set of surfaces or makes the
or sets or /PICK cursor available to pick a surface for deletion
(see note 1).
BODIES Names or ALL Deletes the named bodies or set of bodies or makes the
or sets or /PICK cursor available to pick a body for deletion
(see note 1).
SHAPES Name or ALL or type Deletes the named shapes or all of the shapes of the
given type.
ELEMENTS `n' Deletes the element number `n'.
CSYST Name Deletes the named coordinate system.
INITIAL Name or ALL Deletes the named initial conditions.
LOADS Name or ALL or Deletes the named loads. Using loadcase number will
loadcase number delete all loads in the given loadcase.
TCURVE Name or ALL Deletes the named time curves.
SCURVE Name or ALL Deletes the named space curves.
LMASK Name or ALL Deletes the named load masks.
INITIAL Name or ALL Deletes the named initial conditions.
MATERIAL Name or ALL Deletes the named material properties.
CONSTRNT Name or ALL Deletes the named constraints.
PHYSICAL Name or ALL Deletes the named physical properties.
SETS Name Deletes the named set.
MERGE Name or ALL Deletes the named merge definitions.
TRANSFORM Name Deletes the named transformation.
NCSYST Name or ALL Deletes the named nodal coordinate systems.

Item Identifier Comments
name For points, lines, surfaces and bodies the part name
can be entered directly.
/PICK Allows the cursor to be used to pick the item to be

Points, lines, surfaces, bodies and shapes that are to be deleted will be drawn in red, items that will be modified as a result of the deletions will be drawn in green. A message detailing the numbers of points, lines surfaces and bodies to be deleted is displayed.

For all items that are to be deleted, the user will be asked for confirmation before deletion takes place. Note that the confirmation can be turned on or off with the UTILITY SETUP CONFIRM command although this is not recommended.



Deletion of FEMGEN geometric objects
All objects that are defined directly or indirectly from the deleted object will be either deleted (if the definition becomes invalid) or references redefined. In other words, if a point is deleted, all lines referencing the point will be deleted, and all surfaces referencing those lines will be deleted etc. This does not however apply to points or lines used in region definitions in order to allow simpler modification of the region when required. Similarly, points, lines and surfaces defining a prism body may also be deleted without deleting the prism definition.

FEMVIEW Command.                            

Item Identifier Comments
LOADCASE Name [n1] Deletes the named loadcase with
optional step number.
Name ALL Deletes all steps of the named
ALL Deletes all loadcases.
ATTRIBUTE NODAL Attribute_name Deletes the attribute and its associated
ELEMENT Attribute_name components from the current
GAUSSIAN Attribute_name loadcase.
INVARIANT Attribute_name
SET Name Deletes the named set.
SHAPE Name Deletes the named shape.
LINE Name Deletes the named line.
DRAWING LIVE Number Deletes the specified live drawing.

MODEL INDEX Command.            

Item Identifier Comments
MODEL Model_name Deletes all the data and files associated with the
specified model.
GEOMETRY Model_name Deletes all the FEMGEN geometry data associated with the
specified model.
VIEWDATA Model_name Deletes all the FEMVIEW viewdata associated with the
specified model.

Note that entire Models can only be deleted at the index level.

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Femsys Limited
1st October 1999