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The Model Assessment Environment : FEMVIEW

  In order to assess a model and results it is necessary to issue the command FEMVIEW model_name or to select the `View' button adjacent to an existing model in the INDEX display. This takes the user into the model assessment environment and the following menu shown below will appear. Note that if the named model has no FEMVIEW viewdata in existence, then where mesh data generated by FEMGEN does exist this will be accessed and the FEMVIEW viewdata automatically created.

FEMGEN to create or modify a model
FEMVIEW to assess a model
INDEX to display the model index
RESULTS for selection of results
PRESENT for results presentation
CONSTRUCT to construct sets
VIEW to control model visualisation
LABEL to control label display
EYE for eye position (model transformation)
DRAWING to control drawing and contents
UTILITY for program control, and the output, tabulation, and deletion of data
STOP to terminate program execution

This is the primary menu that will always be available while the user is assessing a model and results of analysis. The user need only type a sufficient letters to uniquely identify a command and will then be prompted for the secondary menus that reside below these commands.

The user should refer to the appropriate sections of the manual for a full description of the syntax of these commands.

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Femsys Limited
1st October 1999