Claire Gmachl is an associate professor of electrical engineering and the director of a multimillion NSF engineering research center named Mid-IR Technologies for Health and Environment (MIRTHE) at Princeton University. She is best known for her work in development of quantum cascade lasers and has demonstrated many innovative quantum cascade laser concepts. Her other achievements include 2005 MacArthur Foundation’s “Genius Grant”, 2006 Esquire Magazine’s “Best & Brightest” and Popular Science Magazine’s “Brilliant 10” in 2004; she is a member of the MIT Technology Review TR100 of 2002. Prof. Gmachl is also a co-recipient of the “The Snell Premium” award of the IEE, UK, 2003 and the 2000 “NASA Group Achievement Award”, and a recipient of the 1996 “Solid State Physics Award” of the Austrian Physical Society and the “1995 Christian Doppler Award” for engineering sciences including environmental sciences. She received her Ph.D. degree (sub auspicies praesidentis) in electrical engineering from the Technical University of Vienna, Austria, in 1995.

Princeton University Profile

Gmachl Group