James Clerk Maxwell, essay on Determinism and Free Will (1873),

Summary: Maxwell's essay contains the essential ideas of modern chaos theory such as "sensitive dependence to initial conditions". He goes on to argue that this favors a world-view which includes free will. [An article by Brian R. Hunt and James A. Yorke, "Maxwell on Chaos", in Nonlinear Science Today 3 , 1 (1993), first alerted me to Maxwell's views on these issues.]

Below are excerpts from his essay recorded on p.362-366 of

The Life of James Clerk Maxwell, with selections from his correspondence and occasional writings, by Lewis Campbell and William Garnett (MacMillan and Co., London, 1884).

Other excerpts could eventually include his essay on "What is the Nature of Evidence of Design?", a hymn he wrote, the sermon preached at his funeral, or his cautions about theological speculations from science.