Program in Hellenic Studies


Athens in Late Antiquity:
Civic, Intellectual, and Religious Life Between Paganism and Christianity

Friday May 14, 2010
10:00 am - 3:30 pm
Scheide Caldwell House, Room 103

10:00 a.m.           Welcome and Introduction: Johannes Hahn and Christian Wildberg

10:15 a.m.           Session I

Johannes Hahn (Münster University/Princeton University)
“Provincial Backwater Town or Mediterranean Intellectual Metropolis: Foreigners and Urban Identity in Late Antique Athens”

Andreas Gutsfeld (Université Nancy 2)
“Lokale Eliten im spätantiken Athen” / “Local Elites in Late Antique Athens”

12:00 p.m.         Lunch

1:30 p.m.           Session II

Edward Watts (Indiana University, Bloomington)
“Athens between West and East: How Fourth-Century Political Liminality led to Fifth-Century Pagan Survival”

Christian Wildberg (Princeton University)
“Imagining the Material Culture of Intellectual Life in Late Antique Athens”

Concluding Remarks:  Peter Brown (Princeton University)

3:30 p.m.           Reception

Conference Website:

Cosponsored by:  Princeton University, Group for the Study of Late Antiquity
In Collaboration with: Münster University, Exzellenzcluster ‘Religion und Politik’



Last updated 5/13/10