@article{HonoreHu2004b, author={Honore,Bo E. and Hu,Luojia}, year={2004}, month={01//}, title={On the Performance of Some Robust Instrumental Variables Estimators}, journal={Journal of Business and Economic Statistics}, volume={22}, number={1}, pages={30-39}, note={Accession Number: 0677395 . Keywords: Instrumental Variables; Regression. Geographic Descriptors: S. Africa; U.S.. Publication Type: Journal Article. Update Code: 200403}, abstract={This article considers instrumental variables versions of the quantile and rank regression estimators. The asymptotic properties of the estimators are discussed, and a small-scale Monte Carlo study is used to illustrate the potential advantages of the approach. Finally, the proposed methods are implemented for two empirical examples.}, keywords={Econometric Methods: Multiple/Simultaneous Equation Models: General (C300); Econometric Methods: Single Equation Models: General (C200)}, isbn={07350015} }