Hands-on Practice:
      1. Download, unzip, and run K-Romanizer.exe.
      2. Confirm that the icon is nested in the system tray area:
      3. Highlight the whole text in a field and press the given key combo.
      4. If K-Romanizer does not work in OCLC Connexion, try to run it as administrator with a right click.

      N.B. Word division has to be first done manually according to the ALA-LC Korean Romanization and Word Division.

CTRL SHIFT K to romanize Korean personal names in the form of Family Name + Forename (or Pseudonym)

      : the forename is of Hancha origin.
      : the pseudonym is apparently not of Hancha origin.
      : the forename has only one syllable.
      : the pseudonym has more than two syllables.
      : the name includes two family names.
      Multiple personal names concatenated by comma or center dot can be romanized as a whole:

CTRL ALT K to romanize with only the first letter of the first word in uppercase

      (Useful for book titles. Proper nouns, if included in the built-in dictionary, are still capitalized in the middle.)

SHIFT ALT K to romanize with all the first letters in uppercase

      (Useful for foreign names or corporate names)

CTRL SHIFT ALT K to romanize with no capitalization

      (Proper nouns, if included in the built-in dictionary, are still capitalized.)

CTRL SHIFT ALT C to add parenthesized Han'gŭl readings to Hancha texts