EUROSTAT, free data on transportation stats. Publications on aviation/maritime stats for 2002 available for purchase.

Domestic (US) Statistics from US Bureau of Transportation Statistics

UK DEPT OF TRANSPORT. Online publication of stats called Transport Statistics Great Britain. 2003 edition. Also available are “International Comparisons” charts comprised of stats from various organizations

North American Transportation Atlas Data (NORTAD) is a set of transportation-related geospatial data for the United States. The data consist of transportation networks, transportation facilities, and other spatial data used as geographic reference. This CD-ROM works with the GIS software. Available through purchase from BTS.

BTS publication on international info found in Transportation Statistics Annual Reports, now available up to year 2003. They have simple charts on a variety of topics.

ECLAC look for BTI (Int’l Transport Database) and the publication International trade and Transport Profile of Latin American Countries.


IATA (International Air Transport Association) Most of the stats are for purchase only. Industry statistics and other general statistics available.

World Air Transport Statistics annual report. 2001 available in SSRC—earlier editions going back to 1970s also available. Regional traffic flows for passangers and freight.

International Civil Aviation Organization Int’l list of government offices on aviation.

Publications called Digest of Statistics. Three of the most relevant are “On-flight Origins and Destinations,” “Flights,” and “Civil Aviation Statistics of the World.” These are available through purchase only.

Airports Council Interational has some basic int’l stats under “Traffic Data.” No country to country flows.

Various file examples from website (compiled for website) on Canadian teavel information.

BTS: USA Office of Airline Information Many tables on the website, such as tables on airport activity and flight details (fuel consumption, delays, airport lists).

OFFICE OF AIRLINE INFORMATION has U.S. Int’l Air Passenger and Freight Statistics Go to Aviation Industry Data: Online data for 2000-2001 is in pdf format. Earlier data (1990-1999) is in txt. Data on passenger and freight travel, and on top gateways to the World and the US.

ATA (Air Transport Association) has a historical chart on US passengers enplaned dating back to 1926. Also available from ATA through purchase is the CD-ROM of “Summary tables of passenger traffic flows on U.S. scheduled airlines, as reported to the U.S. Department of Transportation in Data Bank 1A." Passenger volumes are shown by trip origin and destination (O&D),including detail on carriers and transfer points involved in each city pair.

FAA statistics on additional airport related information.


ECLAC: Online database called Maritime Profile of Latin America and the Caribbean

Maritime Transportation in Latin America and the Caribbean a publication from the UT Austin LBJ School whose graphs shows some regional trade from LAC to world. Through purchase only.


MARITIME TOP 20 STATS from the US Bureau of Transportation Statistics. BTS also has a publication, Maritime Trade and Transporation, 2002. Chapter 1 has tables on global trends, however there are no tables or charts showing region-to-region flows.


EUROSTAT free data for railway and road data

International Road Federation (IRF) - Access only through membership. Publications available through purchase like the online publication of “World Road Statistics 2002” Available in hardcover. Chapters on road networks, vehicle use, road accidents, road user taxes and traffic. Also, from IRF are pdf files called Market Profiles for Mexico and Brazil which lists useful contacts of Mexican and Brazilian transportation organizations (including foreign contacts).

The World Bank has an online railway database.

European Conference of Ministers of Transport (ECMT): has stats on railways and roads

INTERNATIONAL UNION OF RAILWAYS (UIC) has links to various international railway sites.

