Welcome to my Cognitive & Computational Corner

I am interested in hig-level cognition and its neural basis. More specifically I am interested in prefrontal task and rule representations and the ways through which they support more efficient working memory processes. I am also interested in the hierarchical organization of these representations in the frontal lobe.

Topics of interest include task-sets and task-switching, analogical reasoning, and creativity in problem-solving. I use a mixture of behavioral and formal methods with an emphasis on computational modeling.

Always feel free to drop me a line!

About Me

I am from Athens, Greece. I am currently a fourth year PhD student in the Psychology Program at Princeton University and member of the Botvinick, and Buschman labs.  


Pavlos Kollias
Princeton University
Princeton Neuroscience Institute
Princeton, NJ 08544

Email: kollias{at}princeton{dot}edu