Key to the Transcriptions

This page describes the SGML entities and elements used in the manuscript transcriptions. (A few tags utilized in these transcriptions are not included in this list: the user may refer in these rare cases directly to the corresponding image files.)

  1. Simple Substitutions
  2. Complex Substitutions
  3. Miscellaneous
  4. Unclear Readings
  5. Large Letters
  6. Line Numbers

I. Simple Substitutions

SGML Entity Example Location Example Image
&s; G line 7
∥ C line 14
&pro1; G line 1138
&pro2; T line 1497
&com; C line 1037
&et1; G line 9
&et2; C line 935
&est; G line 282
&punc1; A line 2100
&punc2; T line 1246
&insert1; T line 3826
&insert2; T line 3826
&mmark; V line 3449
&skip; V line 3700
&eol1; G line 273
&eol2; G line 276
&eol3 G line 2912
&eol4; G line 2805
&eol5; G line 2660
&eol6; G line 963
&eol7; G line 266
&eol8; G line 1016
&A9; T line 6888
&G9; T line 6826
&K9; T line 6199
&L9; T line 6812
&M9; T line 6811
&N1; E line 1009
&N2; E line 974
&N3; E line 1239
&D1; E line 923
&D2; E line 1107
&S1; E line 926
&S2; E line 952
&E1; E line 955
&E2; E line 983
&Q1; C line 10
&Q2; C line 471
&A1; T line 2658
&A2; T line 2651
&ier; G line 4
&apost; G line 10
&dot-t; T line 6988
&vos; E line 593
&Vos; E line 498
&ver; E line 751
&Ver; E line 744

II. Complex Substitutions

These codes are complex because we are indicating the relationship between a diacritical mark and a letter, or a sequence of letters. For a single letter or a sequence of letters, represented as "xx" below, the codes are as below. (Thus, ultimately, a separate SGML entity is defined for each letter/diacritic combination.)

SGML Entity Example Location Example Image
&xx-hbar; C line 2
&xx-alpha; E line 6
&xx-til; C line 459
&xx-omeg; G line 5
&xx-nine; C line 102
&xx-e; T line 101
&xx-vbar; G line 8
&xx-u; T line 732
&xx-o; T line 731
&xx-dot; C line 1364 (only occurs with "y")
&xx-foo; E line 1003 (only occurs with "i")

III. Miscellaneous

The following SGML elements/tags indicate extraordinary line configurations.

SGML Entity Example Location Example Image
<del>xx</del> C line 390a
cui &s;o<add place=supralinear>t</add> C line 504
l<add place=infralinear>dot</add>e T line 743

IV. Unclear Readings

The following SGML elements/tags indicate where our editors were not confident of the reading given or unable to decipher it.

SGML Entity Example Location Example Image
n<unclear>e</clear>uiele&s; A line 56

fai&s; <gap>v&re-hbar; oe&s;

A line 479  

V. Large Letters

The number given indicates that the manuscript letter is a certain number of lines high. Within the transcription, the manuscript appears with the first indented line.

SGML Entity Example Location Example Image
&LargeA-8; A line 1

V. Line numbers, foliotation, and column markers

Element Tag Definition
<l n="47"> line 47
<lb> a line break which does not correspond to a new line number
<pb="47recto"> folio 47 recto
<milestone unit="column" n="a"> column a