(program to turn AIM 65 into an octal inverter) ROCKWELL AIM 65 (enter program) <*>=0200 0200 LDA #FF A9 FF 0202 STA A002 8D 02 A0 (A002 is the port B direction register) 0205 LDA #00 A9 00 0207 STA A003 8D 03 A0 (A003 is the port A direction register) 020A LDA A001 AD 01 A0 (A001 is the port A data register) 020D EOR #FF 49 FF (use 'EOR #FF' command to invert all bits) 020F STA A000 8D 00 A0 (A000 is the port B data register) 0212 JMP 020A 4C 0A 02 (loop back to the read port A instruction) 0215 (run the program) <*>=0200 / (notice that the cursor does not return, because the program never ends) (to test the program, apply a logic signal to port Ax and check that the logic signal appears inverted at port Bx -- where x is 0,1,2,...,7) (to recover control of the computer hit reset on the motherboard)