Set port B of both VIAs to output.  Set port A of both VIAs to input.  Connect port B to port A on both VIAs. (on the VIA at A000, wire PB0 to PA0, PB1 to PA1, etc. -- do the same on the VIA at 8000 ).  Now it's your turn to write some code.  Modify a previous program so that it:

Burn and test the program.  If all is well the display will count as before.  Disconnect the lowest line (PB0 - PA0) of one VIA or the other and observe the count.  The count should jump by two rather than by one as before.  Show this to your lab instructor.  This is the only time you will do this test.  Due to the hardwire aspect of the test, you will not perform it on your Vector Board computer.  You can though use the proto-board computer to test the VIA that will be used on the Vector Board.