Phase Diagrams
· For systems in which the composition can change, the Gibbs function must include a composition term so that: dG = V dp - S dT + µ dN where 
µ = (dG/dN)T.p = Chemical Potential
· For the atom transfer between the phases, ( i, k) in thermodynamic equilibrium, the Gibbs function of each phase will change so that:
ΔGi = (dGi / dNij) ΔNij and ΔGk = (dGk / dNkj ) ΔNkj
· The system as a whole remains in equilibrium during this infinitesimal transfer consequently the total Gibbs function is constant:
ΔGTotal = {ΔGi + ΔGk} = {µi - µk} ΔNkj = 0
· Since Nkj is not zero, equilibrium requires that: µi = µj
· Two phases in thermodynamic equilibrium which are allowed to exchange atoms must have the same chemical potential.