Magaly Sanchez R.

Senior Researcher
Office of Population Research
Princeton University

Telephone 609-258-6966
Fax 609-258-1039

Magaly Sanchez is currently a Senior Researcher and Visiting Scholar at the Office of Population Research, at Princeton University. She has been Professor of Urban Sociology at the Institute of Urbanism at the Universidad Central de Venezuela.(1976-2001) .

She served as Researcher and Professor in differents institutions :Navarra University , Spain ( Spring- Summer 2012) , University of Pennsylvania (2001-2004), Temple University ( 1997-1999), and Instituto de Nuevas Tecnologias, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (1993) She received the Order Jose Maria Vargas , given by the Central University of Venezuela, on recognition of her academic activities and research trajectory (July 2002).

Her research in Latin America has documented urban poverty, "barrios" as well as the social exclusion of poor urban youth and street children, and traced the consequences in terms of a growing radicalization of youth gangs and their increasing acceptance of extreme violence. Her book Malandros, Bandas, y niños de la calle (co –author with Pedrazzini 1992- French Rev version 1998), has been an important contribution in what they call the culture of urgency, as a culture of immediate end of life, not its negation.

She continues to work in topics related to the Urban Violence, and the power of the Perverse Criminal Economy in Latin American countries, as well as emergence of Authoritarian regimes and Narco States.

In 2007, in collaboration with Jere Behrman and Douglas Massey an editing book “Chronicle of a Myth Foretold: The Washington Consensus in Latin-America” was published by the Annals of the American Academy of Sciences.

Recently, Professor Sanchez has studied International Migration to the United States, with special interest in the construction of Latino Identities. A book Co-Authored with Douglas Massey “Brokered Boundaries: Creating Immigrant Identity in Anti-Immigrant Times” has been printed by the Russell Sage Foundation as the 2010 publications. In this book the authors review the plurality of elements characterizing Latino immigrants and their position in the United States, including their mixed ethnic roots, employment patterns, and legal status, experience of discrimination and social inequalities, and self-perceptions of identity. Systematic analyses of these factors drive the book’s central discussion on diversity and identity, focusing particularly on how Latino immigrants are able to negotiate complex identities without total assimilation.

Lastly, she is advancing research on International Migration of HSE from Venezuela, South American and other countries to United States.

"Soy un optimista de mi tragedia." -- A. Campomar