Known errors and typos in the Third Edition, second printing . Names in parentheses tell you who found it.

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The wrong H in isobutyraldehyde is underlined - it should be the alpha H (Scott Weingart, PU).

p 135 MISSING! When corrections to the typos in the first printing of the Third Edition were made, the printer made an error as they were incorporated into the new books. They replaced p 135 with p 141! Thus, the second printing of the Third Edition has two page 141's and no page 135. The printer will fix this problem, so next year's books will be fine, and the first printing is fine, but that's no help to those of you who have this year's second printing. W. W. Norton will supply a new p. 135 as a pdf file on the www (no up as of 9/25/05, but soon).

This error was first discovered by Professor Kathleen Kilway at UMKC, and first noticed at PU by Jin Ge. Thanks to both.

p 141. The secondary carbocation in the first set of products at the upper part of Figure 3.79 has lost a methyl group on its left-hand side (Scott Ulrich, Ithaca College).

p 171-177 The header misspells "diastereomer" by adding an extra "S" (Yared Hailemichael, PU). It is amazing, but no one has ever seen this one - or at least reported it. The word is spelled correctly in the text.

p 254. There is an extra equals sign in the lower part of the figure in Problem 6.14 (Yukai Li, PU)

p. 740 There is a "+" missing on one of the diazonium ions (Sam Leachman, PU)

p.785- In figure 15.41 the two Hc's are diastereotopic, not identical. (Neal Castagnoli, VaTech)

p 1109 The formula of D should be C7H14O. It is correct in the Study Guide (Yuuichi Fujimori, University of Tokyo).

p. 1155, Figure 20.57. There is a COO­ group hanging in space. It should not be there! (Yuuichi Fujimori, University of Tokyo).



Study Guide


p43. In Problem 2.6, phi A should have one unshaded lobe (Sayuri Jinadasa, PU)

p. 153 The answer to Problem 6.1f should be: 3-Bromo-1-fluorocyclopentene - we made an alphabetical order mistake (Carolyn Wu, PU)

p. 225. In the figure for Problem 9.6 a 2 has been lost from one carbon (Alicia Bray, PU).

p. 258 The label for Problem 9.55 should be 9.54 (YoungJung Kim PU).

p. 613 There is an extra hydrogen in the drawing at the bottom left of this page (Sebastian Urday, PU)