Applications  of  microcoil  NMR

March 18th, 2003  (Tuesday)
Department of Chemistry, Princeton University
Frick Laboratory, DuPont seminar room (Rm.324)

Organized by:  Department of Chemistry, Princeton University  &  Protasis/MRM
as part of the Industrial Associates Program (IAP)


9:00 am          Welcome and introduction -    Prof. Martin Semmelhack
                                                               (Director of IAP - Princeton University)
9:30 am          Introduction to Protasis - Dr. Ray West
                                        (VP Sales and MarketingTechnologies Protasis)


10:00 am          Microcoil probe technology     Dr. Tim Peck                    
President, MRM)

10:45 am                            Break

11:00 am    Natural product analysis using the capillary probe   Dr. Mark O’Neil-Johnson

                       (Director, Scientific Development Sequoia Sciences, CA)


12:00 pm                      Lunch                  Courtesy of Varian

1:30 pm      Small molecule analysis using the capillary probe      Dr. Dave Detlefsen
                                                                                                    (Vice President, Novatia)

2:30 pm      Demonstration of the Princeton system         Dr. Dave Detlefsen

Questions and answers               Team

4:00 pm                         Wrap up


For further information contact:

Deirdre Lavallee  (Protasis/MRM, 508-451-4163,
István Pelczer      (609-258-2342,
Carlos Pacheco    (609-258-1633,