Report cover

Trade and Environment: Conflicts and Opportunities
NTIS order #PB92-182088

Full Report ~2038K

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Front Matter ~42K
Table of Contents ~17K

1: Overview and Summary ~130K
2: Issues and Institutional Players ~405K
Annex: Some GATT Provisions and Principles Pertinent to Environmental Matters ~73K
3: Role of Trade Measures in Environmental Policy ~500K
4: Effects of Environmental Regulations on Trade and Competitiveness ~248K
5: Trade and Environment Decisionmaking ~102K

A: Some Trade Disputes Pertinent to Trade/Environment Interactions ~167K
B: Selected Bills on Trade/Environment Issues: 102d Congress ~19K
C: Selected Congressional Hearings Relating to Trade and Environment ~9K
D: Trade in Environmental Goods, Services and Technologies ~49K
E: Assessing Trade and Competitiveness Impacts of Environmental Regulations on U.S. Manufacturing ~298K
Index ~56K

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