Report cover

Electronic Bulls and Bears: U.S. Securities Markets and Information Technology
NTIS order #PB91-106153

Full Report ~4923K

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Front Matter ~53K
Table of Contents ~3K

1: Summary: Public Policy and Securities Markets ~941K
2: What Securities Markets Do- And For Whom ~459K
3: The Operation of Stock Markets ~579K
4: The Operation of Futures Markets ~623K
5: The Operation of Options Markets ~329K
6: Domestic Clearing and Settlement: What Happens After the Trade ~515K
7: How Technology Is Transforming Securities Markets ~344K
8: Market Fraud and Its Victims ~417K
9: The Bifurcated Regulatory Structure ~306K
Appendix. Clearing and Settlement in the United States ~351K
Acronyms and Glossary ~53K
Index ~63K

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