Princeton Section


Contest Winners 2007

Local Teams Win Chemagination Regionals!


The 2007 ACS Mid-Adlantic Regional Chemagination contest was held on Saturday, May 19, 2007 at Ursinus College, Collegeville, PA.  Allene Johnson and Louise Lawter, were the Chemagination contest coordinators.  Chemagination is a contest in which high school students are asked to imagine that they are living 25 years in the future and have been invited to write an article for ChemMatters, a magazine for high school students that focuses on the role of chemistry in everyday life.  The subject of the article is: “Describe a recent breakthrough or innovation in chemistry and/or its applications that has improved the quality of people’s lives today.”  The article is written to fit in one of four categories (either Alternative Energy, Environment, Medicine/Health, or New Materials.)


Nine teams, totaling twenty-four students, from New York, North Jersey, Princeton and Trenton local ACS sections competed.  The teams were judged on the quality of their article, their poster display and their knowledge of the subject.  Yingru Zhang and Subbarao Mantha from Bristol-Myers Squibb and Deborah Kilmartin from GeoTrans, Inc generously gave their time to serve as judges.  They had the difficult task of selecting the 1st and 2nd prize winners in each category among a strong field of contenders!


During the tabulation of the results and selection of the winners, Mark Ellison of Ursinus College entertained and educated students, parents and teachers with some memorable chemical demonstrations including exploding balloons! 


Thank you to all who helped make the event a success including the faculty advisors Christine D. Iannucci, Ridgefield Park Junior Senior High School, Cindy Jaworsky, West Windsor-Plainsboro High School South, Cheryl Litman, North Brunswick Township High School, Renee Locker and Gerard Marzigliano,, Division Avenue High School, Sara H. McCoy, Collegiate School and Herbert Weiss, Locust Valley High School, our judges, Mark Ellison and MARM representatives Tony Addison, Victor Tortorelli and Eric Williamsen.




Second place winners received a certificate and a subscription to ChemMatters. They were:


Medicine/Health - “Cancer-Out”, Jai Cho, Jonathan Ochoa, Quendrin Molota Ridgefield Park Junior Senior High School


Alternate Energy - “A New Energy Source: Organics and the Seebeck Effect”, Tonya Long, Oliver Rich, Locust Valley High School


Environment - “The Atmospheric Solution: Solar Powered Planes and CO2 Filters”, Jack Coyne, Bernard J. Glover, West Hubbard, Collegiate School


New Materials - “3D TV”, Syed Saad, Ghotra Muskan, Division Avenue High School



*First Place Winners

Emily Carlson, Christina Fan, Jessica Yan

Daphne Ezer, Kimberly Li, Lily Yu

Mengsong Li, Benjamin Ro, Ethan Stern

Lena Phalen, Sami Musumeci, Katia Sherman



First place winners received a certificate and $100 savings bonds.  They were:


Medicine/Health - “A New Hope:  Nobel Prize Contender Creates Cure for Diabetes and a Potential Panacea for Patients Needing Tissue Transplants” Katia Sherman, Lena Phalen, Samantha Musumeci, West Windsor – Plainsboro High School South


Alternate Energy - “Antimatter: From Fiction to Function”, Emily Carlson, Christina Fan, Jessica Yan, West Windsor – Plainsboro High School South


Environment - “Fish Bite Back”, Daphne Ezer, Kimberly Li, Lily Yu, West Windsor – Plainsboro High School South


New Materials - “Rolistern:  Saving Our Lives”, Mengsong Li, Ben Ro, Ethan Stern, West Windsor – Plainsboro High School South

 - Louise Lawter and Sharon Sibilia
Chemagination Co-chairs