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Letters from alumni about Robert Mueller ’66

May 7, 2002

Thanks for printing my letter. I hope I don't now become the latest Peter Singer or Shirley Tilghman whipping boy for all the reactionary old Tigers. Poor Daniel Erdman.....

I hope PAW will reprint Prof. Richard Falk's excellent article on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict in the Nation (Apr. 29). Clearest analysis I've read in years of following the deteriorating situation very closely. I'm so sorry I didn't take his course. Had a writing block and was scared of the term paper....

Ken Scudder ’63
San Francisco, Calif.

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May 3, 2002

I agree with Frank Schaffer '45, Jeffrey S. Oppenheim '84, Larry Seabrook '56, and Burnet Fisher '46 and their responses to Daniel Erdman '73's letter regarding Donald Rumsfeld '54. Now we have Tim McKee '92, of Sacramento, California, and Ken Scudder '63, of San Francisco, climbing aboard in their negative comments about FBI Director Robert Mueller '66 as well as Rumsfeld.

California has more than its share of odd ones and letters such as these two help to confirm it.

Heartiest congratulations to both Rumsfeld and Mueller for the great jobs they are performing for our country. I am proud of the fact that they are fellow graduates of Princeton.

Irv Walsh '41
Rancho Palos Verdes, Calif.

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April 24, 2002

This letter was prompted by the continuing debate over the images of FBI Director Robert Mueller ’66 and Secretary Donald Rumsfeld ’54.

One may differ with Mr. Mueller or Secretary Rumsfeld on a particular decision that they have made. However, we must recognize that they have earned these esteemed positions of leadership because they have been good at self-discipline, goal setting, and drafting effective courses of action throughout their careers.

Furthermore, the teamwork they have encouraged in their agencies supports my opportunity to write my opinion in a safe environment.

Susan C. Laden s’70
Tampa, Fla.

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February 5, 2002

With respect for your good journalistic instinct to feature Princetonian newsmakers in PAW, and with understanding that Secretary of Defense (War?) Donald Rumsfeld '54 and FBI Director Robert Mueller '66 have difficult jobs, I still must demur from the accolades your cover article (November 21) on them has prompted.

These two give the U.S. a bad name, and by doing so reflect badly on our university. I'm glad more people don't know they went to Princeton. Mueller, who as an attorney should know better, has stonewalled counsel for more than a thousand immigrants being held incommunicado and without charge. And Rumsfeld, with his puffed-up, self-righteous manner and his seeming lack of a "decent regard to the opinions of mankind" — to say nothing of the lives of anyone other than Americans — projects just the kind of arrogant, imperialist persona that is driving even our allies up the wall. I was embarrassed when he tried to deflect the international outcry over the shocking photos of drugged, shackled, hooded prisoners in cages with the lame remark that he was a law school dropout. This was on a par with President Bush's dumb-and-dumber remark that he'd slept through his years at Yale.

I think it's fair to expect that the Princeton experience (we don't expect as much from Yale) can impart a certain urbanity and generosity of spirit, as befits the fortunate recipients of an elite university's liberal education. Such admirable traits appear to be conspicously lacking in your story's subjects, however powerful they may be.

Ken Scudder '63
San Francisco, Calif.

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December 20, 2001

With reference to your November 21 issue, I want to thank PAW for the articles on Donald Rumsfeld ’54 and Robert Mueller ’66. I was not aware that they were alumni, and I am very proud of them. These articles should also be made available to all undergraduate and graduate students to show Princeton in the nation's service.

I also read in the same issue Abhi Raghunathan ’02’s article "The New Reality" (On the Campus), where he indicates that there have been peace activists on campus, debates between students and professors about war and terrorism, plus scathing letters to the editor and stern criticisms of professors on the editorial pages of the Daily Princetonian. I think that Princeton alumni would be very interested in what has been transpiring on campus after September 11, very little of which I have seen in PAW. It would give the alumni some idea of what is going on. For instance, I logged onto the Daily Princetonian today and saw the article by Nicholas Guyatt, a graduate student from England, which basically criticized U.S. policy in the Middle East, not his own country's. Are students getting both sides of the issue? Alumni like me want to know.

Allan L. Griffith '60
Glendale, Calif.

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December 1, 2001

Congratulations on the November.21 articles on the important leadership roles of Donald H. Rumsfield ’54, secretary of defense, and Robert S. Mueller III ’66, FBI director.

Princeton has reason to be proud of the contributions that these two are now making to the national welfare of America.

Is Princeton today graduating seniors who will be equally qualified to perform major roles in national leadership in future years?

Ralph S. Cannon Jr. ’31 *35
Spruce Pines, N.C.

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