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Sample bill 1

A bill to enact a 15 percent flat rate of taxation for residents of the District of Columbia

Be it enacted by Princeton Model Congress,


This Act may be cited as the District of Columbia Economic Recovery Act


    a) The wage income of residents of the District of Columbia shall be taxed at a rate of 15 percent.

    b) District of Columbia residents shall be granted an exemption of the following amounts:

      1) $30,000 in the case of a joint return or a surviving spouse.

      2) $15,000 in the case of a single individual or married individual filing a separate return.

      3) $25,000 in the case of a head of a household, filing individually

    c) In general, all other exemptions and deductions relative to current income tax law are repealed for District of Columbia residents, except for deductions on mortgage interest and charitable contributions

    d) In general, a District of Columbia resident is defined as someone who:

      1) has a permanent address in the District of Columbia, and

      2) has filed a District of Columbia income tax return for such taxable year.

Section 3: Effective Date

This Act will take effect on January 1, 1998.

Sample bill 2

Title: An Act To Legalize the Marriage of Same Sex Couples and Repeal Public Law 104-199, The Defense of Marriage Act.

Be it Hereby Enacted by Princeton Model Congress.

Preamble: Whereas homosexual life partners should be guaranteed the same insurance benefits, tax deductions and next-of-kin status as heterosexual couples, and whereas the Defense of Marriage Act violates the Full Faith and Credit clause of the Constitution, the United States will allow the legal marriage of same sex couples and overturn the Defense of Marriage Act.

Section 1: States shall be required to grant marriage licenses and marriage certificates to all same sex couples requesting such documents under the same process provided for granting such licenses and certificates to heterosexual couples

Section 2: These marriage documents will entitle the holders to full marital rights and all their concomitant rights and benefits, such as spousal health coverage, survivor rights, tax deduction benefits and next-of-kin status. The legal rights of married same sex couples will equal the rights granted by the individual states to heterosexual married and common-law couples, with the exception of adoption rights. Each state will reserve the right to decide same sex adoption rights and procedures.

Section 3: Enactment of this bill will automatically repeal Public Law 104-199, the Defense of Marriage Act.

Section 4: This bill will take effect 90 days after passage.

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