CEG Member
Jie Feng Jie Feng
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Member since 08/2012

Email: jiefeng@Princeton.EDU
Current Place of Work: Princeton University
Current Position: PhD Candidate

Research Interest:
Jie Feng has a broad spectrum of interests in energy science related fluid dynamics and transport phenomena. Currently, Feng focuses on highly-efficient fabrication of nanoemulsions using interface technique. In a system with a thin oil layer on top of water, the bursting process of gas bubbles at the interface of water and air will disperse nanoemulsions of oil in the water phase with utilization of the high surface energy. Jie is also working on near-surface flow characteristics of slippery liquid-infused porous surface with the purpose of increasing energy efficiency of ship propellant. Besides, Jie has a side interest in coal quality control using laser technique for efficient combustion in thermal power plants.

Selected Publications:

  1. J. Feng, Z. Wang, L. West, Z. Li, W. Ni. A PLS model based on dominant factor for coal analysis using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 400 (2011) 3261-3271.

  2. J. Feng, Z. Wang, Z. Li, W. Ni. Study to reduce laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy measurement uncertainty using plasma characteristic parameters. Spectrochimica Acta Part B 65 (2010) 549-556.

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