CEG Member
Liqing Peng

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Member since 03/2015

Email: lpeng@Princeton.EDU
Current Place of Work: Princeton University
Current Position: PhD Candidate

Research Interest:
Liqing is interested in the food water supply and food-water-energy nexus. Current research projects include:
1) NASA projects on making earth system data records in evapotranspiration
2) Long term changes in water demand and their impacts on South African crop yield
3) Climate forcing data merging with station observation

Selected Publications:

  1. Wang, Xuhui, Liqing Peng, Xinping Zhang, Guodong Yin, Chuang Zhao, and Shilong Piao. “Divergence of climate impacts on maize yield in Northeast China”. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 196 (2014): 51-58.
  2. Anwar Mohammat, Xuhui Wang, Xiangtao Xu, Liqing Peng, Yan Yang, Xinping Zhang, Ranga B. Myneni, Shilong Piao. “Drought and spring cooling induced recent decrease in vegetation growth in Inner Asia”. Agricultural And Forest Meteorology (2012).
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