CEG Member
Zhong Peng Zhao
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Member since 08/2012

Email: pzhao@Princeton.EDU
Current Place of Work: Princeton University
Current Position: PhD Candidate

Research Interest:
Peng has a strong background in thermal science and fluid mechanics, now working in Prof. C.K. Law's combustion lab in the department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering in Princeton University, part of CEFRC under DOE. He has broad interest in numerical, experimental and theoretical combustion, energy conversion process, heat and mass transfer, fuel and propulsion systems.

Current research projects include:
1. Ignition of hydrocarbon fuels in strained flows;
2. Ignition enhanced by nano-catalyst and other rate limiting processes;
3. NTC- transport coupling and engine knock;
4. Computational modeling of laminar and turbulent flames.

Selected Publications:

  1. “A general regime boundary of NTC-transport coupling in combustion systems,” by P. Zhao, C.K. Law, in preparation.

  2. "NTC-affected ignition in non-premixed counterflow," by C.K. Law, P. Zhao, Combustion and Flame, 159(3), 1044-1054, 2012.

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