CEG Member
Ruoming_Peng Ruoming Peng

Electrical Engineering

Member since 09/2012

Email: prmnian@Princeton.EDU
Current Place of Work: Princeton University
Current Position: PhD Candidate

Research Interest:

My current research projects in PU are bio-sensors systems based on surface plasmonic substrate, which are not directly involved with any energy issues. So I am actually lacks of real experience for the frontier of current research. But I am very interested in topics of this area. But,

  1. I am always following the latest energy topic researches such as piezo-electronics energy harvesting/solar cell through reading scientific journals;
  2. The energy issues updated in Google Currents and other RSS source also attract my attention. I think the research progresses in labs are paving the way to far future of human society energy consumption, but the news in social media, those patents reveal the near future solution for the current problem.

I am always willing to share what I read about energy in books or online with club members and I think although I am not an official energe-er researcher, I am always an energetic  potential one.

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