Editor: Zhong Zheng


Perspectives from CEG members

Atmospheric Ammonia and the Air Quality of the North China Plain

05/20/13 by Kang Sun (CEE)
Inhalable particles (PM2.5) pollution in the North China Plain has drawn worldwide attentions. Besides well-known particle precursors, such as nitrogen oxides (NOx) and sulfur dioxide (SO2), atmospheric ammonia (NH3) also makes substantial contributions to particle formation and growth. With the intense agricultural/industrial activities and dense population in the North China Plain, the emissions of NH3 is rapidly growing and potentially underestimated. Further investigations and abatement on NH3 emissions in the North China Plain are in urgent need


Photovoltaic in China: what to expect, a recession or a breakthrough?

03/17/13 by Hao Chen (ELE)
The global solar energy market recession in 2012 exposed the issue of overcapacity, and other problems. This article will briefly discuss China’s PV development in two levels: market opportunity and technology breakthrough.

Urban Sustainability: the Role of Micrometeorology

01/12/13 by Dan Li (CEE)
Understanding and assessing the combined impact of urbanization and global climate change on various issues including health risks, water/energy sustainability, and pollution management in urban areas is becoming increasingly important.

Making on Specification Jet Fuel Through Syncrude Refining

01/12/13 by Qiang Li (PEI)
The synthetic fuel can be produced from syngas (CO+H2) through the well-known catalytic reaction called Fischer-Tropsch (FT) synthesis, which is named after the original German inventors in the 1920s.

Carbon Dioxide to Fuel – a Mirage or Reality?

01/12/13 by Yuan Hu (CHE)
This discovery opened a new page on human’s footprints to the realization of photosynthesis scientifically, as well as the ultimate goal to industrialize a feasible approach to build a renewable cycle from fuel to CO2 then back to fuel.

Introduction to Frontier Research on Combustion

01/04/13 by Peng Zhao (MAE)
Through combustion, chemical energy could be converted to thermal energy, and be further converted to mechanical energy through thermodynamic cycles.
Gardiner Hill

CO2 Storage: Large-scale Low-cost Demonstration Opportunities in China

08/26/12 by Zhong Zheng
CO2 source-sink matching identifies low-cost opportunities for large-scale CO2 capture and storage demonstration projects.
Gardiner Hill

Ammonia: An Overlooked Byproduct from Energy Generation

08/20/12 by Kang Sun
Controlling ammonia actually can be a more efficient way to mitigate the environment impact from energy generation.
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