Rabbinic Names Entered Under Forename

When establishing a name for which additional identifying information is available, how much may you add, and in what situations (excluding dates and fuller forms of name as prescribed by rule)?

1.  If the name being established is entered under a surname and includes a forename, words or phrases as $c qualifiers are forbidden by rule 22.15C, "unless they are required to distinguish between two or more persons with the same name and neither dates nor fuller forms of name are available." Note that an exception is made for terms like "ha-Kohen," "ha-Levi,"
"Kohen," and "Kats," which are added to names under the provisions of rule 22.12 (they are treated as inherited titles of nobility).

2.  If there is doubt that a certain element in a name is a surname, or doubt that it is the surname of the person being established rather tha that of another person (his father or other ancestor), consult other reference sources as prescribed by rule 22.4A:  "[S]elect as the entry element that part of the name under which the person would normally be listed in authoritative alphabetic lists in his or her language."  For Hebrew authors, such lists include, but are not limited to, ha-Entsiklopedyah ha-'Ivrit  and the index to Friedberg's Bet 'eked sefarim.

3.  If the name being established does not include a surname, "include the name any words or phrases denoting place of origin, domicile, occupation, or other characteristics that are commonly associated with name in works by the person or in reference sources," per rule 22.8A1.

3a.  Blessings such as "zal," "shelita," "z.y. #a." and the like are excluded.

3b.  Very generic titles such as "Mar" and "Geveret" are excluded. More specific titles such as "R.," "ha-Rav," "Rabi," "Rabenu," "ha-tsadik" and the like are included only to distinguish between otherwise identical headings.  These and other titles are recorded in the 670 when they are found associated with names, so that those not entirely generic may be added to the heading if a conflict arise.

4.  The Hebraica Team has formulated some rules of thumb for adding additional elements as $c qualifiers to names consisting only of forenames. These rules are "minimalist": cataloger's judgment may require additional elements in some cases.  Note that all elements that might be used to distinguish between otherwise identical headings are recorded in the 670 field, though only a selection of them may appear in the heading.

4a. If a patronymic ("ben X" or the like) appears among the epithets following such a name, include it in the heading.  Exclude names of ancestors more distant than the father, unless they appear in running form in the item (e.g., X ben Y ben Z) without intervening elements.

4b. If a string of titles or occupations follows such a name, record them all in the 670 but use only the first in the heading.

4c. If a string of place-names indicating sequential domiciles or places of occupation follows such a name, record them all in the 670 but use only the place-name described as current or last in the heading.  If multiple simultaneous places of occupation are named as current or last, include all of them.  N.B.:  If the first place-name cited is the place of birth, use the phrase indicating this in the heading and omit the others recorded in the 670.

EXAMPLES (some slightly adapted from real life)

chief source:  Tsevi Hirsh, z.l.l.h.h., m.m. ve-dover tsedek ve-hayah doresh tov le-'am Y. bi-k.k. Galina uvi-she'ar kehilot kedushot 'am Yeshurun, b. ha-rav mo. h. David, z. ts. ve-k.l.h.h., asher etan moshavo hay. bi-k.k. Alik.
English paraphrase:  Tsevi Hirsh, of blessed memory, preacher and speaker of righteousness who was a seeker of good for the Jews in the holy community of Galina and other holy Jewish communities, son of the rabbi our teacher David, of blessed memory, whose dwelling-place was in the holy community of Alik.

heading:  Tsevi Hirsh ben David,$cm.m. bi-k.k. Galina
English paraphrase:  Tsevi Hirsh son of David,$cpreacher in the holy community of Galina

chief source:  Avraham b. mo. Tsevi Hirsh, zatsal, le-mishpahat le-vet Katsin Elin Bogen
English paraphrase:  Avraham son of our teacher Tsevi Hirsh, of blessed memory, of the family [and] house of Katsin Elin Bogen
index to Bet 'eked sefarim:  Katsenelenbogen, Avraham Tsevi
heading:  Katsin Elin Bogen, Avraham ben Tsevi Hirsh
English paraphrase:  Katsin Elin Bogen, Avraham son of Tsevi Hirsh

chief source:  Rabi Yehoshu'a Heshil ha-Levi, z. ts. ve-k.l.l.h., a.b.d. ve-admur be-Zende uvi-Shtrelzoi (ve-sham men. k.),
y. 'a. E., ben kevod kedushat admur ha-ga'on ha-kadosh ha-mefursam, tsadik yesod 'olam, sar ha-Torah veha-yir'ah, raban shel Yisra'el, mofet ha-dor va-hadaro ve-khu., maran ha-rav Rabi Ary. Yehuda Leyb ha-Levi, z. ts. ve-k.l.l.h., admur me-Ozerov ve-a.b.d. di-Hmyelnik ve-khamah k.k., ben kevod kedushat admur ha-ga'on ha-kadosh ha-mefursam, raban shel Yisra'el, tsadik yesod 'olam, mofet ha-dor va-hadaro, sar ha-Torah veha-yir'ah ve-khu., maran ha-rav Rabi Hayim Shemu'el ha-Levi,  z. ts. ve-k.l.l.h., admur me-Hentshin, y. 'a. E.
English paraphrase:  Rabbi Yehoshu'a Heshil the Levite, of blessed memory, judge of the rabbinical court and revered teacher in Zende and Shtrelzoi (site of his grave), may God protect him, son of the revered and holy teacher, the famous holy scholar, righteous from the foundation of the world, prince of the Torah and the fear [of God], lord of Israel, wonder of the age and its glory and so forth, our lord the rabbi Rabbi Ary. Yehuda Leyb the Levite, of blessed memory, revered teacher from Ozerov and judge of the rabbinical court of the holy community of Hmyelnik and other holy communities, son of the revered and holy teacher, the famous holy scholar, lord of Israel, righteous from the foundation of the world, wonder of the age and its glory, prince of the Torah and the fear [of God] and so forth, our lord the rabbi Rabbi Hayim Shemu'el the Levite, of blessed memory, revered and holy teacher from Hentshin, may God protect him.

heading:  Yehoshu'a Heshil ben Ary. Yehuda Leyb,$cha-Levi, a.b.d. be-Zende uvi-Shtrelzoi
English paraphrase:  Yehoshu'a Heshil son of Ary. Yehuda Leyb,$cthe Levite, judge of the rabbinical court in Zende and Shtrelzoi

chief source:  mo. h. El'azar Yisra'el, z.l.l.h.h., me-Rozdol velive-sof yamav hay. be-'ir Vebrenivke
English paraphrase:  our teacher the [pious one?*] El'azar Yisra'el, of blessed memory, from Rozdol, who at the end of his life lived in the city of Vebrenivke

heading:  El'azar Yisra'el,$cme-Rozdol
English paraphrase:  El'azar Yisra'el,$cfrom Rozdol

chief source:  k.m.h. ve-r. R. Yosef, n.r.v., b.m.h. ve-r. R. Ya'akov, zatsal, asher mile-fanim hayah a.b.d. ve-r.m. bi-k.k. Selts bi-medinat Lita
English paraphrase:  our glorious teacher the [pious one?*] and rabbi Rabbi Yosef, may God watch over and redeem him, son of our lord the [pious one?*] and rabbi Rabbi Ya'akov, of blessed memory, who formerly was judge of the rabbinical court and head of the yeshivah in the holy community of Selts in the country of Lithuania

heading:  Yosef ben Ya'akov,$ca.b.d. bi-k.k. Selts
English paraphrase:  Yosef son of Ya'akov,$cjudge of the rabbinical court in the holy community of Selts

chief source:  Hilel Mosheh Meshil b. ha-r. R. Tsevi Hirsh, zatsal, me-'ir Byalistok, Gelbshtain
English paraphrase:  Hilel Mosheh Meshil son of the rabbi Rabbi Tsevi Hirsh, of blessed memory, from the city of Byalistok, Gelbshtain

heading:  Gelbshtain, Hilel Mosheh Meshil ben Tsevi Hirsh
English paraphrase:  Gelbshtain, Hilel Mosheh Meshil son of Tsevi Hirsh
*The Hebrew abbreviation of this expression consists solely of the word