Official Language

What should the established form of the following be:

Title page:   Sefer ha-ta.kanot le-.Hevrat "Tsiyon" be-Bal.timor, Md.
Added title page title: Constitution of the Zion Association, of Baltimore, Md.

The relevant LCRI's  are:

24.3A.  Language.
      Do not apply the alternative rule found in footnote 7 to rule 24.3A.
      If the name of a corporate body appears on its publications in  different languages, apply the following:
      1)  If one of these is in the official language of the body,  use it.
      2)  If the body has two or more official languages, one of  which is English, use the English form.
      3)  If the body has two or more official languages, none of which is English, use the form in the language predominantly used in  items issued by the body.
      4)  If the official language of the body is not known, use the  form in the official language of the country in which the body is
located if the country has a single official language.

In determining the "official language"  of  a  body  that  hasn't turned up before, the rule of thumb is that its official language
is the language the item is in (assuming the item "emanates" from the body), unless there's evidence to the contrary.

In that case one should  choose Hevrat "Tsiyon" (Baltimore, Md.)  as  the heading (subscript dot under the  H),
with  a  ref  from Zion Association (Baltimore, Md.).  If,  in  the future, publications of  the body turn  up  that show  it  uses another language "officially", e.g. English, the heading can be changed to reflect the new concept of what the official language is.

CPSO suggests, regarding how to establish a corporate body that uses more than  one language in  the  first  item received, that it's always an option to follow RI 24.3A, no.  4  and establish the  body  in  the language of  the country where  it's located, but PROVISIONALLY.  Then  when  more  data  come  in,  a better determination  can  be  made.

ID:NAFR9523724     ST:p    EL:n   STH:a    MS:n   UIP:a    TD:19951103051622
KRC:a    NMU:a    CRC:c   UPN:n   SBU:a   SBC:a   DID:n    DF:06-27-95
RFE:a CSC:c  SRU:b   SRT:n   SRN:n   TSS:?   TGA:?   ROM:?   MOD:  LCT:      VST:d 11-06-95
010    nr 95023724
040    CSt-HC$cCSt-HC
110 20 .Hevrat "Tsiyon" (Baltimore, Md.)
410 20 Zion Association (Baltimore, Md.)
670    Sefer ha-ta.kanot le-.Hevrat "Tsiyon" be-Bal.timor, Md., 1894:$badded t.p. ( Zion Association, of Baltimore, Md. [in rom.])