Romanizing Geographic Names of Romance Derivation

In romanizing geographic names of Romance derivation in  searchable fields,  LC  practice  is  to  romanize consonants  according  to   their  equivalents  in   the   Hebrew romanization table, and vowels in  as  close  an approximation as
possible, within the limits of the Hebrew table, to those in  the original name.
We may seek further help in vocalized sources, especially in ha-Entsiklopedyah  ha-'Ivrit  (Jerusalem  :   Hevrah  le-hotsa'at
entsiklopedyot,  1949-1984)  and  Carta  publications.   In   the Entsiklopedyah, the Hebrew for "Venice" is spelled
vav-segol-nun-segol-tsadi-hirek-yod-kamets-he, i.e., "Venetsiyah" (subscript dot under the  V).  This is therefore the romanization of choice for  the name  of  this city  in Hebrew script, if  the found spelling can be accommodated to  it.  The spelling of "vav-yod-nun-yod-tsadi-yod-he", fits this  requirement.  Variation  in  the  LC  database depends,  to  some
extent, on varying Hebrew spelling.  The sequence  "vav-yod-nun-yod-tsadi-yod-alef-he"  in   an   access  point,   for
example, would probably  be romanized  as "Venetsi'ah" (subscript  dot under the V).