The  procedures  for  assigning subject  headings  to  individual  sermons  and  to collections of  sermons  are  described  in  the Subject Cataloging Manual H 2032 (Sermons).  Several headings are assigned to  bring  out  the religion, language, sect, topic, and occasion.   The  memo  states  that  in  accordance with  H  1185  (Religions),  assign   a  heading   of   the   type
"(Name of sect)--Sermons" to individual sermons  or collections of  sermons by  authors from  the  sect.   There  are  many  cases  in  which  "Hasidism--Sermons" has  been assigned by  LC.  Likewise, "Reform  Judaism--Sermons,"
"Conservative Judaism--Sermons," etc. are also  valid headings, although LC has not assigned these in the past.
Lenore  Bell