Text vs. Commentary

 Regarding a t.p. that looks like this:
           Sefer Ge'on Go'anah
           Torah  'im  perush  Rashi  ve-'im perush  Ge'on Go'anah
           me-et Go'anah mi-Byala
This title is  presenting itself as  an edition of  the text  of  the Pentateuch  with commentaries.
It should have  a  130:  "Bible.  O.T.  Pentateuch. Hebrew.  Date";
the  245$a  would  be:  "Sefer  Ge'on  Go'anah" /$c me-et  Go'anah  mi-Byala.
There should be  a  246  30   for  "Ge'on Go'anah," if it wasn't the cover, spine, or running title, and tracing for Rashi.
More often  these titles look  like:
           Sefer Ge'on Go'anah
           *'al* ha-Torah 'im perush Rashi
           me-et Go'anah mi-Byala

If THIS is  how they look, they  are presenting  themselves  as commentaries, even  if  the  entire Pentateuch  is  reprinted in  the book.  For  that kind, the author is  the  main  entry, and  if  the Pentateuch is there it gets a  730  02.   One should still put the $c before "me-et" and  probably trace Rashi.
An  added wrinkle is  that  the rules  have changed in  this  regard, and  in dealing with reprints one often finds the earlier
edition cataloged with  the  Biblical text  as  the  main  entry, although AACR2 requires that the author of the commentary be  the main entry.

To sum up:

If the t.p. has:

Sefer X
'al Be-reshit
'im perush Rashi
ve-'im perush Y
mimeni A.B.

One would probably say:
"Sefer  X  :$b'al Be-reshit :  'im perush  Rashi ve-'im perush Y /$cmimeni A.B."

But if the t.p. is:

Sefer X
'al Be-reshit
'im perush Rashi
ve-nilveh elav perush Y

One would probably say:
"Sefer X  :$b'al Be-reshit :  'im perush Rashi. Ve-nilveh elav perush Y. /$cmimeni A.B.