SAG13 Expected number of exoplanets around G-dwarfs

\(\sf R_{\text{min}} = \)   \(\sf R_{\text{max}} = \)   \(\sf P_{\text{min}} = \)   \(\sf P_{\text{max}} = \)

\(\sf Expected \; Number \; = \; \displaystyle \sum_{i = 1}^2 \Gamma_i \int_{\max(R_{\text{min}}, R_{i-1})}^{\min(R_{\text{max}}, R_i)} \int_{P_{\text{min}}}^{P_{\text{max}}} R^{\alpha_i} P^{\beta_i} \; d \ln(P) \; d \ln(R) \; = \; \)  

This web app computes the expected number of exoplanets around G-dwarfs for specified boundaries in planet size and orbital period. Put in values of Rmin and Rmax (in Earth size) and Pmin Pmax (in days), and either press "tab" or click anywhere outside the field. The "Number of Planets" field will contain the answer. The computation is performed by integrating the SAG13 parametric model of planet occurrence rates for G-dwarfs. Disclaimer: this model is not a formal peer-reviewed scientific result, but rather based on a simple meta-analysis of many studies. Please treat it as such.