WWS 333/SOC 326 Spring 2017

Law, Institutions, and Public Policy

Paul Starr


See also Course Information (instructors, requirements, assignments)

Where to find the readings: = E-reserves; = Blackboard course materials; = World Wide Web (hyperlink from syllabus);
= Stokes Library 3 hour reserve; also available for purchase at Labyrinth.

Week One. February 6 and 8. Introduction: the variety of institutions .
The first week of the course will lay out three cases aimed at illustrating the range of institutions the course will consider: (1) publicly ordered institutions (citizenship), (2) private ordering within a legal framework (contract), and (3) institutions whose rules and practices are not generally established through law, though they may have the state's patronage or acceptance (science).

Week Two.February 13 and 15: What are institutions, and why do they matter? Institutional analysis and legal systems.
This week examines different approaches to institutional analysis and institutional change and to legal systems .

Week Three. February 20 and 22. Political institutions: state-building, the nation-state, and constitutionalism.
In this week, we will examine the rise and consolidation of the modern nation-state as both a social and a legal project.

Week Four. February 27 and March 1. Democracy and law
We now take up questions about the institutional framework of democracy: What are the primary types of institutional design and what are their consequences? What role does law play in regulating democracy? And can constitutions and courts prevent democracies from being undone democratically?

Weeks Five and Six. March 6 and 8. Legal institutions
We turn to the institutions that shape the legal process, focusing on courts, judges, and judicial review.

March 15. Midterm exam.


Week Seven. March 27 and 29. The public-private boundary
As we turn from publicly ordered institutions to privately ordered institutions within a legal framework, we consider the meaning of the public-private boundary, the changing understanding of property and the corporation, and the movement of property rights, organizations, and functions from public to private or vice versa.

Week Eight. April 3 and 5: Institutions and economic growth
This week, drawing on comparative and historical evidence, we consider how institutions, especially those created through politics and law, may affect economic growth, and how economic growth may affect institutions. An additional focus is the effect of differences in family structure and female agency..

Week Nine. April 10 and 12. Labor and employment.
This week's subject is the the institutional structure of labor, beginning with slavery versus free labor and turning to contemporary changes in labor markets and occupations. The latter subject also continues our discussion of the structure of the corporation.

Week Ten. April 17 and 19. The structuring of the American health-care system
We focus first on the rise of the medical profession and its role in shaping health care in America and then on the recent (and ongoing) changes in the system.

Week Eleven. April 24 and 26. Civil society, religion, and politics
This week we consider how institutional change in civil society has affected political advocacy, and the relation between religion and the law.

Week Twelve.May 1 and 3. Contemporary institutional change in a global context
Changes in institutions in one country do not take place in isolation from others. This is expecially true today as new institutional models and policy paradigms have diffused throughout the world. What's the relationship of American institutions to these new patterns?

Last modified: March 27, 2017.