PHY 562: Biophysics


Spring 2009

Lectures Mondays and Wednesdays, 1:30 – 2:50 PM in 303 Jadwin Hall

[First lecture, Mon 2 Feb 2009]

Evening problem sessions, Thursdays 6:30 – 8:00 PM in 280 Carl Icahn Laboratory

[First session, Thu 12 Feb 2009]




Professor William Bialek

237 Carl Icahn Laboratory

Princeton University


Note: if you would like to reach me, the best bet is to contact my assistant, Ms Barbara Brinker (609-258-7014).


The teaching assistant for the course will be Anand Murugan, Problem sessions will be staffed by a consortium of postdoctoral fellows, including Justin Kinney, Pankaj Mehta, Thierry Mora, Stephanie Palmer, Greg Stephens and Aleksandra Walczak. Many thanks to all of these folks for their help!


For several years I have been teaching PHY 562 at Princeton, a Biophysics course for PhD students in Physics; IÕll teach it again in the Spring of 2009.  This is a Òcore courseÓ for the Physics PhD program, and as such aims at students who have mastered a fair bit of physics, certainly everything we throw at our undergraduates, maybe a bit more.  On the other hand, a number of talented and ambitious undergraduates have taken the course each year, and I think they enjoy it.  To be fair to the goals of the PhD program, I will keep the lectures at a fairly high level; to be fair to the undergraduates, they will be graded on a different scale.  If you have concerns about your preparation for the course, or about the workload, please donÕt hesitate to ask.


I have the ambition of turning my lecture notes into a book, to be published by Princeton University Press.  Thus, this is a combination of a course web site and a preview of the book. I hope this is useful.   You will find that problems are embedded in the text, and current students should look to PrincetonÕs blackboard web site for weekly assignments (see also the link above).  Sections of the text are listed below with planned dates for the corresponding lectures, although there may be some slippage in the schedule.  Also, the text has been formatted for double sided printing; if you print out successive sections as the course progresses, they should fit together (more or less) into a draft of the book.


I should emphasize that things are a bit rough.  The course changes every time I teach it, and whole sections have never been written up.  I try, in spots, to give a hint (usually in different typeface) about what is missing.   I have a deadline for the book in March 2009, so hopefully there will be rapid progress.  If something catches your eye as problematic (or especially interesting), please donÕt hesitate to drop me a note.  If youÕd like to cite any of the things you find here, I think you can use


W Bialek, Biophysics: Searching for Principles. (2009).


Please note that, at the moment, my referencing of the original literature is somewhat haphazard; the absence of references thus is not a claim of originality!  Stay tuned for updates, or ask me specifically for links to the relevant papers.




Chapter 0: Preface


This section provides some perspective on the subject that might be useful as a general introduction to the course.  Here I also say a bit about the evolution of the text itself, and acknowledge my debt to many collaborators from whom I have learned so much.


Chapter 1: Photon counting in vision


Sitting quietly in a dark room, we can detect the arrival of individual photons at our retina.  This observation has a beautiful history, with its roots in a suggestion by Lorentz in 1911. Tracing through the steps from photon arrival to perception we see a sampling of the physics problems posed by biological systems, ranging from the dynamics of single molecules through amplification and adaptation in biochemical reaction networks, coding and computation in neural networks, all the way to learning and cognition.  For photon counting some of these problems are solved, but even in this well studied case many problems are open and ripe for new theoretical and experimental work.  We will look at photon counting   not just for its intrinsic interest, but also as a way of motivating some more general questions.  The problem of photon counting also introduces us to methods and concepts of much broader applicability.  We begin by exploring the phenomenology, aiming at the formulation of the key physics problems.


 1.1 Posing the problem

 1.2 Single molecule dynamics

 1.3 Dynamics of biochemical networks

 1.4 Signal processing at the first synapse

 1.5 Pointers to higher level issues

 1.6 Coda


Chapter 2: Noise isn't negligible


The great poetic images of classical physics are those of determinism and clockwork.  Strikingly, life operates far from this limit.  Interactions between molecules involve energies of just a few times the thermal energy, and biological motors, including the molecular components of our muscles, move on the same scale as Brownian motion.  Biological signals often are carried by just a handful of molecules, and these molecules inevitably arrive randomly at their targets.   Human perception can be limited by noise in the detector elements of our sensory systems, and individual elements in the brain, such as the synapses that pass signals from one neuron to the next, are surprisingly noisy. How do the obviously reliable functions of a life emerge from under this cloud of noise? Are there principles at work that select, out of all possible mechanisms, the ones that maximize reliability and precision in the presence of noise?  Are there ways in which noise can be productive, rather than a nuisance?


2.1 Molecular fluctuations and chemical reactions

2.2 Molecule counting and chemotaxis

2.3 Molecule counting more generally

2.4 More about noise in neurons and perception

2.5 Proofreading and active noise reduction

2.6 Taking advantage of fluctuations


Chapter 3: No fine tuning


Imagine making a model of all the chemical reactions that occur inside a cell.  Surely this model would have many thousands of variables, so we would have thousands of differential equations.  If we write down this many differential equations with the right general form but choose the parameters at random, presumably the resulting dynamics (that is, what we get by solving the equations) will be chaotic.  Although there are periodic spurts of interest in the possibility of chaos in biological systems, it seems clear that this sort of ÒgenericÓ behavior of large dynamical systems is not what characterizes life.  On the other hand, it is not acceptable to claim that everything works because every parameter has been set to just the right value—in particular these parameters depend on details that might not be under the cellÕs control, such as the temperature or concentration of nutrients in the environment.  More specifically, the dynamics of a cell depend on how many copies of each protein the cell makes, and one either has to believe that everything works no matter how many copies are made (within reason), or that the cell has ways of exerting precise control over this number; either answer would be interesting.  This problem—the balance between robustness and fine tuning—arises at many different levels of biological organization. Our goal in this chapter is to look at several examples, from single molecules to brains, hoping to see the common themes.


 3.1 Sequence ensembles and protein folding

 3.2 Computational function and ion channel densities

 3.3 Associativity and long time scales in neural networks

 3.4 Adaptation

 3.5 Reproducibility in morphogenesis

 3.6 The states of cells


Chapter 4: Efficient representation


The generation of physicists who turned to biological phenomena in the wake of quantum mechanics noted that to understand life one has to understand not just the flow of energy (as in inanimate systems) but also the flow of information.  There is, of course, some difficulty in translating the colloquial notion of information into something mathematically precise.  Indeed, almost all statistical mechanics textbooks note that the entropy of a gas measures our lack of information about the microscopic state of the molecules, but often this connection is left a bit vague or qualitative. Shannon proved a theorem that makes the connection precise:  entropy is the unique measure of available information consistent with certain simple and plausible requirements. Further, entropy also answers the practical question of how much space we need to use in writing down a description of the signals or states that we observe.   This leads to a notion of efficient representation, and in this section of the course we'll explore the possibility that biological systems in fact form efficient representations, maximizing the amount of relevant information that they can transmit and process, subject to fundamental physical constraints.  WeÕll see that these ideas have the potential to tie together phenomena ranging from the control of gene expression in bacteria to learning in the brain.


 4.1 Entropy and information

 4.2 Entropy lost and information gained

 4.3 Does biology care about bits?

 4.4 Optimizing information flow

 4.5 Maximum entropy

 4.6 Gathering information and learning rules


Chapter 5: Outlook: How far can we go?




A. Poisson processes

B. Correlation functions, power spectra, and all that