This model has two state variables, X1 and X2, with dynamics dX1 = \[Mu]1[x1,x2] dt + \[Sigma]11[x1,x2] dW1 + \[Sigma]12[x1,x2] dW2 dX2 = \[Mu]2[x1,x2] dt + \[Sigma]21[x1,x2] dW1 + \[Sigma]22[x1,x2] dW2 The two Brownian motions are independent; any correlation comes through the off-diagonal terms in the \[Sigma] matrix. Below is an example, with parameters a1, b1, a2, b2, g11, g22, g21, r: \[Mu]1[x1_,x2_] = a1 + b1*x1; \[Mu]2[x1_,x2_] = a2 + b2*x2; \[Sigma]11[x1_,x2_] = g11*r*Sqrt[x1]; \[Sigma]22[x1_,x2_] = g22*Sqrt[1-r^2]*Sqrt[x1]; \[Sigma]12[x1_,x2_] = 0; \[Sigma]21[x1_,x2_] = g21; Edit these expressions to match your model, and email to me. Remark: do not use the letters c and k in your parameter names as they conflict with other symbols in the code.